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yet another poetry resource page, for readers and writers

Most recently updated: Tue Oct 22 12:00:02 UTC 2024

Caution: there is such a thing as bad poetry.

Everything here is on this one page, so you can use your browser's "search on this page" capability to find what you saw once and need again, quickly.

  1. resources for poetry readers
  2. for writers: basic English
  3. writing poetry
  4. online criticism of poetry you write
  5. glossaries
  6. general reference
  7. a dart board of poets
  8. my own humble contribution
    (It's humble for a reason.)

But first, some vital statistics.

For Tuesday -- on October 22:
in 1955, English poet Kingsley Amis died;
in 1972, New Zealand poet James K. Baxter died; and
in 1982, U.S. poet Richard Hugo died.

For Wednesday -- on October 23:
in 1844, British poet Robert Bridges was born, and
in 1942, Scottish poet Douglas Dunn was born.

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resources for poetry readers

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There's much to explore here. But don't neglect the (obviously very incomplete) list of individual poets down there.

  1. Academy of American Poets (a previously unpublished poem almost daily)
  2. AGNI Online
  3. AHA! poetry (haiku, tanka, renga, sijo, and more)
  4. American Verse Project (pre-1920)
  5. Another Kind of Poetry (haiku)
  6. Antiphon
  7. The Argotist Online
  8. Atlantic Monthly (audio)
  9. BBC Poetry
  10. BBC Poetry Out Loud (audio)
  11. The Big Bridge
  12. Blackbird
  13. Boston Review
  14. C/Oasis
  15. Conjunctions (audio)
  16. Contemporary American Poetry Archive
  17. The Cortland Review
  18. Cyber English: Poetry 101. Read this page and follow the links at the bottom, and you will get an in-depth intro to poetry. (Also listed below in the list for poetry writers.)
  19. duration
  20. Eclectica Magazine

  21. Eclipse
  22. Electronic Poetry Center digital library
  23. greatworks.org.uk
  24. Higgeldy Piggeldy
  25. Jack Magazine
  26. Jacket Magazine
  27. litter
  28. Magma
  29. Matsuo Basho's Frog Haiku ("31 translations and one commentary")
  30. Missouri Review
  31. Mudlark
  32. Penny's Poetry Pages: Poetry 102. A grab bag of useful resources for poetry readers and writers. (Also listed below in the list for poetry writers.)
  33. Perihelion
  34. Pessoa's Trunk
  35. Pif Magazine
  36. Poetry Daily
  37. Poetry Foundation: many hidden gems here
  38. Poetry International Rotterdam
  39. Poetry Magazine
  40. Poets' Corner

  41. Representative Poetry Online
  42. Snakeskin Poetry Webzine
  43. sonnets.org: Sonnet Central
  44. Spam Haiku
  45. Strange Horizons
  46. Switched-On Gutenberg
  47. Terrain
  48. Timbooktu
  49. Transcendental Friend
  50. Very Bad Poetry
  51. Xconnect

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for writers: basic English

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  1. onelook.com: look up a word in many dictionaries at once, with results gathered on one page
  2. the Oxford Dictionary (of English). If you're in the United States, be sure to select "DICTIOANRY (US)" just to the left of where you type the word of interest. Loads much faster than the oft-cited dictionary.com, but I must say it blew up in my face once.
  3. 50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice. Seriously, drop the Strunk & White and back away slowly. Discussion of the column.
  4. 50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice. The full text of the column.
  5. 10 grammar rules you can forget
  6. a good English grammar reference, except that you should take rule 3a for quotation marks with a grain of salt:
  7. a more nuanced answer to the question of quotation marks and ending punctuation
  8. a long article about that, well researched
  9. wikipedia weighs in on the question
  10. "More unique", "most unique", and "very unique" are perfectly fine.

  11. 14 common errors to avoid
  12. writing less badly: not directed at poetry, but applicable thereto
  13. lousywriter: a grab bag of introductory topics
  14. special topics in writing clear English
  15. all about the language
  16. University of Victoria Writer's Guide: a thorough resource, focusing on writing essays, but of great general use; its index is here

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writing poetry

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  1. 10 tips
  2. 5 completely different tips. Ok, it's from the Dummies folks. Bite me.
  3. 36 tips: some very good, some meh
  4. styles of poetry
  5. forcing the pen to paper (I know, it's Oprah)
  6. billions and billions of specialized tips
  7. rhyming dictionary
  8. Cyber English: Poetry 101. Read this page and follow the links at the bottom, and you will get an in-depth intro to poetry. (Also listed above in the list for poetry readers.)
  9. Penny's Poetry Pages: Poetry 102. A grab bag of useful resources for poetry readers and writers. (Also listed above in the list for poetry readers.)
  10. poetry resources at Writer's Digest

  11. giving and seeking poetry criticism on the Web
  12. writing about poetry
  13. writing about poetry
  14. just enough to whet your appetite about copyright
  15. about as much as you want to know about copyright
  16. more than you ever wanted to know about copyright

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online criticism of poetry you write

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  1. Poetry Free-For-All

    "a one-of-a-kind poetry brawl"

    "WARNING! We're mean. We're nasty. We're merciless. We're cruel. We're vile. We're heartless. We'll slash your soul to ribbons. We're an evil clique conspiring to annihilate your self-esteem. Ready?"

    This site is quite well-organized. Once you've registered and read the posting guidelines and such, you start out in the "Newbie Stretching Room". As you refine your skills, you continue to "General Poetry", "C&C", "High Critique", and "Merciless and Possibly Painful Critique". (There are specialized forums along the way, for humor and erotica and such.)

    But if you wish to feast on the criticism goodness, you're also expected to cook and wash dishes. You're expected to critique three poems for each poem you post for criticism. Not only does this motivation ensure that every submitted poem will get critiqued; it also builds your skills as a poet.

    In addition, there's a wealth of material about poetry here that you should get under your belt. An evening or two devoted to absorbing this material would be time well spent. I have only two objections to it. First, much of it is in the form of the whining of newbies followed by the all-wise answers, tailored to bring the newbie down to earth or better. It takes time to wade through this. Second, some of the material is outdated. The prime examples of this are (a) link rot, and (b) their discussion of the poetry.com (not poetry.org) website. As of when I last looked at Thu Dec 24 11:17:02 PST 2015 they claim that poetry.com is a scam site, where you post your work and you're automatically a semifinalist, and your poem will appear in a book, and you get to buy the (outrageously priced) book. This was apparently once true, but the folks at about.com claim that a new company bought the domain name in 2009, and it's no longer a scam site. More info is at wikipedia. I'm not sure how much it's improved; see my comments about poetry.com below. Bottom line: although the info at Free-For-All seems outdated, their advice to avoid poetry.com still seems wise.

  2. Forage Poetry Forum

    This one is decidedly not a brawl. If you want high energy, go to Free-For-All. If you want serenity, go to Forage. Both offer thoughtful peer review of your poems. For poets in the United States, you might enjoy, at least as a change of pace, the -- how do I word this? genteel? -- ambiance of Forage, where the people are as likely as not to come from the UK, Canada, Australia, and other places where they spell "color" differently from the way I do.

  3. eratosphere
  4. The Writer's Block

    These sites are serviceable enough, but do not have the helpful structure and wealth of information of Free-For_All or Forage. After a brief, careless examination, it seems to me that eratosphere is the marginally more useful of these two.

  5. poetry.com

    Bottom line: don't go to poetry.com. I went there so you don't have to.

    They've polished the site significantly in the last few years, but it's still quite avoidable. You're encouraged to submit a poem and have a chance to win cash prizes. For your edification, they show you how many days, hours, and minutes are left until the contest closes. And you can (for "as low as" $10) promote your poem to the front page. No. Just no.

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  1. University of Toronto, with the Greek origin of many of the terms; all on one page for speed searching goodness
  2. Bob's Byway, by Robert G. Shubinski, rife with examples

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general reference

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  1. WWW Virtual Library General Reference:  Encyclopedias, dictionaries, biography, geography, statistics, almanacs, more. Not all links are live, but most seem to be.
  2. refdesk.com: messy but current
  3. Library of Congress
  4. Perseus Digital Library (the ancient world)

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a dart board of poets

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Suppose you wanted to widen your reading of poetry. Suppose you wanted gobs of poets, all in one place, on one dart board, where you could just throw a dart and start reading. Bunches and bunches of poets, all right there at the tip of your dart. Here they are. Throw that dart and start reading. Obviously, some of them are better than others. Make up your own mind about what appeals to you.

If you're interested in a poet not listed here, you could do worse than to try poemhunter.com. Indeed, most of the links below go either there or to poetryfoundation.org.

For more information about many of these poets, try one of these:

  1. Modern American Poetry;
  2. poets.org; and
  3. wikipedia.

Or visit duckduckgo, or your favorite Web search site.

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1.                        Chris Abani
  2.                    Francesca Abbate
  3.                        Henry Abbey
  4.                    Lascelles Abercrombie
  5.                         Seth Abramson
  6.                       Dannie Abse
  7.            Virginia Hamilton Adair
  8.                        Helen Adam
  9.                 Arthur Henry Adams
  10.              Franklin Pierce Adams
  11.                       Robert Adamson
  12.                        Betty Adcock
  13.                        Fleur Adcock
  14.                       Joseph Addison
  15.                          Kim Addonizio
  16.                              Adonis
  17.                         John Agard
  18.                        Allan Ahlberg
  19.                      Dilruba Ahmed
  20.                        Susan Aizenberg

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  21.                         Mark Akenside
  22.                       Ellery Akers
  23.                        Bella Akhmadulina
  24.                         Anna Akhmatova
  25.                        Maram Al-Massri
  26.                 Francisco X. Alarcón
  27.                 Amos Bronson Alcott
  28.                      Richard Aldington
  29.                Thomas Bailey Aldrich
  30.                    Elizabeth Alexander
  31.                         Will Alexander
  32.                      Sherman Alexie
  33.                  Agha Shahid Ali
  34.                    Margarita Aliger
  35.              James Alexander Allan
  36.                         Dick Allen
  37.              Elizabeth Akers Allen
  38.                      Heather Allen
  39.                       Hervey Allen
  40.            Leslie Holdsworth Allen

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  41.                      Rachael Allen
  42.                      William Allingham
  43.                       Andrew Allport
  44.                     Laurence Alma-Tadema
  45.                      Melanie Almeder
  46.                         Nuar Alsadir
  47.                        Keith Althaus
  48.                       Howard Altmann
  49.                Mary Margaret Alvarado
  50.                       Moniza Alvi
  51.                       Samuel Amadon
  52.                       Yehuda Amichai
  53.                     Kingsley Amis
  54.                         A.R. Ammons
  55.                          Ray Amorosi
  56.                         Lisa Ampleman
  57.                              Anacreon
  58.                      Michael Anania
  59.                      Mikhail Ancharov
  60.                        Chris Anderson

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  61.                         Curt Anderson
  62.                     Sherwood Anderson
  63.                        Bruce Andrews
  64.                           A. Andreyev
  65.                    Antonella Anedda
  66.                         Maya Angelou
  67.                    Innokenty Annensky
  68.                     Talvikki Ansel
  69.                        Pavel Antokolsky
  70.                    Guillaume Apollinaire
  71.                       Philip Appleman
  72.              Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz
  73.                      Aleksey Apukhtin
  74.                    Francisco Aragón
  75.                   Jose Angel Araguz
  76.                        Tudor Arghezi
  77.                          Rae Armantrout
  78.                        Simon Armitage
  79.                        Joyce Armor
  80.                        Craig Arnold

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  81.                       George Arnold
  82.                      Matthew Arnold
  83.                         Rane Arroyo
  84.                       Eduard Asadov
  85.                        Frank Asch
  86.                      Nikolay Aseev
  87.                      Fatimah Asghar
  88.                      Maureen Ash
  89.                         John Ashbery
  90.                       Thomas Ashe
  91.                         Anne Askew
  92.                         John Askham
  93.                        Edwin Atherstone
  94.                        Amber Atiya
  95.              Colette Labouff Atkinson
  96.                     Margaret Atwood
  97.                         W.H. Auden
  98.                       Alfred Austin
  99.                         Mary Avidano
  100.                     Margaret Avison

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  101.                         Kofi Awoonor
  102.                        Naomi Ayala
  103.                          Pam Ayres
  104.                   Sir Robert Aytoun
  105.         William Edmondstoune Aytoun
  106.               Jimmy Santiago Baca
  107.                         Beth Bachmann
  108.                         Sara Backer
  109.                      William Baer
  110.                         Brod Bagert
  111.                       Daniel Bailey
  112.                        Kevin Bailey
  113.                       Joanna Baillie
  114.                       Martha Baird
  115.                        David Baker
  116.                        Peter Balakian
  117.                          Ned Balbo
  118.                    Raffaello Baldini
  119.                        Barry Ballard
  120.                        Micah Ballard

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  121.                     Addie L. Ballou
  122.                   Konstantin Balmont
  123.                 Marie-Claire Bancquart
  124.                      Mary Jo Bang
  125.                         John Banim
  126.                          Ts. Banu
  127.                   Ramón Cote Baraibar
  128.                        Amiri Baraka
  129.                       Evgeny Baratynsky
  130.                        Susan Barba
  131.                         J.T. Barbarese
  132.                Anna Laetitia Barbauld
  133.                        David Barber
  134.                     Jennifer Barber
  135.                         Mary Barber
  136.                        Sarah Barber
  137.                       Walter Bargen
  138.                      Richard Barham
  139.                        Brian Barker
  140.                       George Barker

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  141.                         Jane Barker
  142.                    Sebastian Barker
  143.                      Coleman Barks
  144.                         Joel Barlow
  145.                         Mary Barnard
  146.                       Ronald Barnes
  147.                      William Barnes
  148.                    Catherine Barnett
  149.                         Lisa Barnett
  150.                      Richard Barnfield
  151.                         Tony Barnstone
  152.                         Rick Barot
  153.                         John Barr
  154.                        Simon Barraclough
  155.                      Bernard Barton
  156.                       Samiya Bashir
  157.                       Matsuo Basho
  158.                        Ellen Bass
  159.                         Kate Bass
  160.                         Paul Batchelor

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  161.                         Arlo Bates
  162.                        David Bates
  163.                Katharine Lee Bates
  164.                   Konstantin Batyushkov
  165.                      Charles Baudelaire
  166.                        Grace Bauer
  167.                  Jill Peláez Baumgaertner
  168.                      Charles Baxter
  169.                     James K. Baxter
  170.                       Arthur Bayldon
  171.                      William Baylebridge
  172.                          Dan Beachy-Quick
  173.                          Liz Beasely
  174.                       Sandra Beasley
  175.                          Jan Beatty
  176.                      Francis Beaumont
  177.                        Bruce Beaver
  178.                        Robin Becker
  179.                       Joshua Beckman
  180.                Thomas Lovell Beddoes

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  181.                       Calvin Bedient
  182.                         John Beecher
  183.                          Amy Beeder
  184.                         John Beer
  185.                        Nicky Beer
  186.                   Ethel Lynn Beers
  187.                        Aphra Behn
  188.                        Robin Behn
  189.                      Stephen Behrendt
  190.                         Erin Belieu
  191.                       Esther Belin
  192.                          Ben Belitt
  193.                         J.J. Bell
  194.                       Marvin Bell
  195.                      Hilaire Belloc
  196.                      Rosebud Ben-Oni
  197.                        Mario Benedetti
  198.              Stephen Vincent Benét
  199.                        David Bengtson
  200.                         Tova Benjamin

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  201.                    Gottfried Benn
  202.                    Gwendolyn Bennett
  203.                     Michelle Bennett
  204.                Rowena Bastin Bennett
  205.                    Elizabeth Bentley
  206.                        Ralph Bergengren
  207.                         Olga Berggoltz
  208.                         Tara Bergin
  209.                     Caroline Bergvall
  210.                         Bill Berkson
  211.                   Richard M. Berlin
  212.                        April Bernard
  213.                       Oliver Bernard
  214.                       Carole Bernstein
  215.                      Charles Bernstein
  216.                       Anselm Berrigan
  217.                          Ted Berrigan
  218.                       Ciaran Berry
  219.                        Emily Berry
  220.                          Liz Berry

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  221.                      Wendell Berry
  222.                         John Berryman
  223.                      Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge
  224.                      Attilio Bertolucci
  225.                      Charles Best
  226.                        Peter Bethanis
  227.                      Matilda Bethem
  228.                     Sir John Betjeman
  229.                        Carlo Betocchi
  230.              Reginald Dwayne Betts
  231.                         Tara Betts
  232.                       Judith Beveridge
  233.                    Louisa S. Bevington
  234.                         Jill Bialosky
  235.                         Mark Bibbins
  236.                        Frank Bidart
  237.                      Beverly Bie Brahic
  238.                       Joelle Biele
  239.                      Ambrose Bierce
  240.                        Linda Bierds

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  241.                        David Biespiel
  242.                       George Bilgere
  243.                     Laurence Binyon
  244.                     Caroline Bird
  245.                         Alan Birkelbach
  246.                    Elizabeth Bishop
  247.                       Samuel Bishop
  248.                         Dana Bisignani
  249.                      Sherwin Bitsui
  250.                         Erez Bitton
  251.                      Candace Black
  252.                        David Black
  253.                      Malachi Black
  254.                       Sheila Black
  255.                 Sophie Cabot Black
  256.                         Paul Blackburn
  257.                       Thomas Blacklock
  258.                      Richard Blackmore
  259.                     Kimberly Blaeser
  260.                      William Blake

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  261.                      Susanna Blamire
  262.                        Brian Blanchfield
  263.                      Richard Blanco
  264.                        Robin Blaser
  265.                       Adrian Blevins
  266.                     Mathilde Blind
  267.                        Chana Bloch
  268.                    Aleksandr Blok
  269.                         Jaap Blonk
  270.                       Laurel Blossom
  271.                       Tommye Blount
  272.                       Edmund Blunden
  273.               Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
  274.                       Robert Bly
  275.                     Barcroft Boake
  276.                       Louise Bogan
  277.                          Don Bogen
  278.                        Paula Bohince
  279.                     Michelle Boisseau
  280.                    Christian Bök

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  281.                 George Henry Boker
  282.                        Eavan Boland
  283.                         Phil Bolsta
  284.                          Ken Bolton
  285.                     Horatius Bonar
  286.                        Bruce Bond
  287.                      Charlie Bondhus
  288.                         Arna Bontemps
  289.                      Szilárd Borbély
  290.                         Mary Borden
  291.                        Alain Borer
  292.                   Jorge Luis Borges
  293.                       Karina Borowicz
  294.                     Marianne Boruch
  295.                       Daniel Borzutzky
  296.                         Todd Boss
  297.                        Bruce Boston
  298.                        Nancy Botkin
  299.                        David Bottoms
  300.                  John Philip Bourke

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  301.                  Cathy Smith Bowers
  302.                        Edgar Bowers
  303.                         Neal Bowers
  304.                William Lisle Bowles
  305.                          Tim Bowling
  306.               Mark Alexander Boyd
  307.                         Anne Boyer
  308.                          Peg Boyers
  309.                          Kay Boyle
  310.                        Peter Boyle
  311.                        Coral Bracho
  312.                       Thomas Bracken
  313.                       George Bradley
  314.                        Larry Bradley
  315.                         Anne Bradstreet
  316.                         E.J. Brady
  317.                          Joe Brainard
  318.              William Stanley Braithwaite
  319.                        Kamau Brathwaite
  320.                 Richard Emil Braun

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  321.                      Richard Brautigan
  322.                      Melanie Braverman
  323.                         Tara Bray
  324.                      Bertolt Brecht (a few in German)
  325.                         Jill Breckenridge
  326.                         John Brehm
  327.                      Matthew Brenneman
  328.                  John Le Gay Brereton
  329.                     Nicholas Breton
  330.                       Robert Bridges
  331.                        Traci Brimhall
  332.                       Robert Bringhurst
  333.                    Vera Mary Brittain
  334.                     Geoffrey Brock
  335.                         Lucy Brock-Broido
  336.                      Melissa Broder
  337.                       Joseph Brodsky
  338.            Julian Talamantez Brolaski
  339.                      William Bronk
  340.                         Anne Brontë

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  341.                    Charlotte Brontë
  342.                        Emily Brontë
  343.                       Rupert Brooke
  344.                        James Brookes
  345.                    Gwendolyn Brooks
  346.             Catherine Savage Brosman
  347.                       Nicole Brossard
  348.                      T. Alan Broughton
  349.                         Joel Brouwer
  350.                        Alice Brown
  351.                      Brandon Brown
  352.                        Calef Brown
  353.                          Dan Brown
  354.                        Fleda Brown
  355.                      Harriet Brown
  356.                  J. Lorraine Brown
  357.                      Jericho Brown
  358.                         Kurt Brown
  359.                      Mary M. Brown
  360.                           N. Brown

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  361.                  Sterling A. Brown
  362.                Thomas Edward Brown
  363.                         Dean Browne
  364.                Isaac Hawkins Browne
  365.                        Jenny Browne
  366.                       Laynie Browne
  367.                  Mahogany L. Browne
  368.                        Susan Browne
  369.                      William Browne
  370.            Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  371.                       Robert Browning
  372.                        Sarah Browning
  373.                      Michael Bruce
  374.                       Joseph Bruchac
  375.                       Sharon Bryan
  376.               William Cullen Bryant
  377.                      Colette Bryce
  378.                       Valery Bryusov
  379.                          Oni Buchanan
  380.                  Christopher Buckley

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  381.                         Kate Buckley
  382.                      Shirley Buettner
  383.                      Suzanne Buffam
  384.                       Franco Buffoni
  385.                      Charles Bukowski
  386.                       Leslie Bulion
  387.                Edward George Bulwer-Lytton
  388.                        Basil Bunting
  389.                         John Bunyan
  390.                       Gelett Burgess
  391.                  Michelle Y. Burke
  392.                       Robert Burns
  393.                         John Burnside
  394.             Amelia Josephine Burr
  395.               Edwin Gladding Burrows
  396.                      Stephen Burt
  397.                 Ellis Parker Butler
  398.                       Samuel Butler
  399.                  Allen Edwin Butt
  400.            Kathryn Stripling Byer

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  401.                       Witter Bynner
  402.                      William Byrd
  403.                 Elena Karina Byrne
  404.                         John Byrom
  405.                         Lord Byron
  406.                     Caroline Caddy
  407.                         John Cage
  408.                        Scott Cairns
  409.                       Amanda Calderon
  410.               Charles Stuart Calverly
  411.                    Gabrielle Calvocoressi
  412.                       Joseph Campana
  413.                  James Edwin Campbell
  414.                       Joseph Campbell
  415.                         Rick Campbell
  416.                      Siobhán Campbell
  417.                       Thomas Campbell
  418.                        Peter Campion
  419.                       Thomas Campion
  420.                       Rafael Campo

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  421.                 Xochiquetzal Candelaria
  422.               May Wedderburn Cannan
  423.                        Kevin Cantwell
  424.                         Lily Cao
  425.                    Joseph J. Capista
  426.                        David Caplan
  427.                      Garrett Caples
  428.                        James Capozzi
  429.                        Katie Cappello
  430.                         Nick Carbo
  431.                      Ernesto Cardenal
  432.                       Brenda Cárdenas
  433.                       Gladys Cardiff
  434.                       Thomas Carew
  435.                        Henry Carey
  436.                        Henry Carlile
  437.                       Ioanna Carlsen
  438.                          Kai Carlson-Wee
  439.                       Thomas Carlyle
  440.                        Bliss Carman

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  441.                        Emily Carney
  442.                         Neil Carpathios
  443.                       Edward Carpenter
  444.               Holly Corfield Carr
  445.                      Kenneth Carroll
  446.                        Lewis Carroll
  447.                         Paul Carroll
  448.                       Hayden Carruth
  449.                         Anne Carson
  450.                       Ciarán Carson
  451.                      William Cartwright
  452.                      Raymond Carver
  453.                        Alice Cary
  454.                       Phoebe Cary
  455.                   Gladys May Casely-Hanford
  456.                       Stacie Cassarino
  457.                        Cyrus Cassells
  458.                          Ana Castillo
  459.                    Sandra M. Castillo
  460.                         Anne Caston

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  461.                       Adrian Castro
  462.                         C.P. Cavafy
  463.                        Grace Cavalieri
  464.                         Jenn Cavanaugh
  465.                     Margaret Cavendish
  466.               Madison Julius Cawein
  467.                         Paul Celan
  468.                       Joseph Ceravolo
  469.                    Lorna Dee Cervantes
  470.                    Miguel de Cervantes (these are in Spanish)
  471.                         John Chalkhill
  472.                  Christopher Chambers
  473.                     Jennifer Chang
  474.                         Tina Chang
  475.                     Victoria Chang
  476.               William Ellery Channing
  477.                       Arthur Chapman
  478.                       George Chapman
  479.                        Robin Chapman
  480.                        Hayan Charara

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  481.                         Mike Chasar
  482.                       Thomas Chatterton
  483.                     Geoffrey Chaucer
  484.                         Luis Chaves
  485.                     Sarah A. Chavez
  486.                          Dan Chelotti
  487.                         Chen Chen
  488.                        Colin Cheney
  489.                       Maxine Chernoff
  490.                        Kelly Cherry
  491.                         G.K. Chesterton
  492.                          Dan Chiasson
  493.                  Lydia Maria Child
  494.                      Marilyn Chin
  495.                          Sri Chinmoy
  496.                      Michael Chitwood
  497.                       Sharon Chmielarz
  498.                       Franny Choi
  499.                        Inger Christensen
  500.                    Marcus B. Christian

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  501.                         A.V. Christie
  502.                      Heather Christle
  503.                         Bill Christophersen
  504.                    Lady Mary Chudleigh
  505.                       Hubert Church
  506.                      Charles Churchill
  507.                         John Ciardi
  508.                       Colley Cibber
  509.                        Peter Ciccariello
  510.                        Zehra Çirac
  511.                          Amy Clampitt
  512.                         John Clare
  513.                       Olivia Clare
  514.                     Patricia Clark
  515.                          Tom Clark
  516.                       Austin Clarke
  517.               George Elliott Clarke
  518.                    Geraldine Clarkson
  519.                         Paul Claudel
  520.                         John Cleveland

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  521.                        Harry Clifton
  522.                      Lucille Clifton
  523.                   Alan Ramón Clinton
  524.                  Arthur Hugh Clough
  525.                       Joshua Clover
  526.               Florence Earle Coates
  527.                    Catherine Cockburn
  528.                       Andrei Codrescu
  529.                 Judith Ortiz Cofer
  530.                       Andrea Cohen
  531.                    Georgiana Cohen
  532.                      Leonard Cohen
  533.                         Kate Colby
  534.                         Todd Colby
  535.                        Henri Cole
  536.            Margaret Postgate Cole
  537.                        Norma Cole
  538.                        Peter Cole
  539.                      William Cole
  540.                        Wanda Coleman

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  541.                      Hartley Coleridge
  542.               Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
  543.                Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  544.                    Katherine Coles
  545.                         Mary Collier
  546.                      Michael Collier
  547.                        Billy Collins
  548.                       Martha Collins
  549.                       Sophie Collins
  550.                      William Collins
  551.                         Jack Collom
  552.                Kristiana Rae Colón
  553.                        Cally Conan-Davies
  554.                      William Congreve
  555.                 Grace Hazard Conkling
  556.                    Geraldine Connolly
  557.                      Stephen Connolly
  558.                      Jean L. Connor
  559.                      Gillian Conoley
  560.                        Henry Constable

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  561.              Harriet Maxwell Converse
  562.                         Jack Conway
  563.                        Eliza Cook
  564.                   Rose Terry Cooke
  565.                          Ina Coolbrith
  566.                        Peter Cooley
  567.                        Clark Coolidge
  568.                       Dennis Cooper
  569.                         Jane Cooper
  570.                Marsha Truman Cooper
  571.                       Thomas Cooper
  572.                        Wendy Cope
  573.                     Brooklyn Copeland
  574.                       Corina Copp
  575.                         Anne Coray
  576.                      Richard Corbet
  577.                      Maryann Corbett
  578.                       Robert Cording
  579.                       Steven Cordova
  580.                       Joshua Corey

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  581.                        Billy Corgan
  582.                          Cid Corman
  583.                       Alfred Corn
  584.                       Pierre Corneille
  585.                      Frances Cornford
  586.                         Mary Cornish
  587.                   Eduardo C. Corral
  588.                      Gregory Corso
  589.                        Jayne Cortez
  590.              William Johnson Cory
  591.                Louisa Stuart Costello
  592.                   T. Zachary Cotler
  593.                Joseph Seamon Cotter
  594.                      Charles Cotton
  595.                        Kevin Coval
  596.                        Bruce Covey
  597.                      Abraham Cowley
  598.                      Malcolm Cowley
  599.                      William Cowper
  600.                         Bill Coyle

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  601.                       George Crabbe
  602.                        Kevin Craft
  603.                         Joel Craig
  604.                 Michael Earl Craig
  605.                        Karen Craigo
  606.                  Dinah Maria Craik
  607.                       Steven Cramer
  608.             Barbara Lydecker Crane
  609.                         Hart Crane
  610.                      Stephen Crane
  611.                        Trish Crapo
  612.                     Adelaide Crapsey
  613.                      Richard Crashaw
  614.                          Tom Crawford
  615.                         Dave Crawley
  616.                      Carolyn Creedon
  617.                       Robert Creeley
  618.                        James Crews
  619.                      Barbara Crooker (some links are dead)
  620.                         Lynn Crosbie

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  621.                        Harry Crosby
  622.                      Cynthia Cruz
  623.             Victor Hernández Cruz
  624.                        Brian Culhane
  625.                      Countee Cullen
  626.                         E.E. Cummings
  627.                      Deborah Cummins
  628.               William Waring Cuney
  629.                        Allan Cunningham
  630.                         J.V. Cunningham
  631.                        Paula Cunningham
  632.                       Silvia Curbelo
  633.                      Averill Curdy
  634.                 Walter Clyde Curry
  635.                              Cynewulf
  636.                       Edward Dahlberg
  637.                          Bob Dahlquist
  638.                        Kalli Dakos
  639.                        Scott Dalgarno
  640.                    George J. Dance

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  641.                          Leo Dangel
  642.                       Samuel Daniel
  643.                          Jim Daniels
  644.                         Kate Daniels
  645.                        Gayle Danley
  646.                        Dante Alighieri
  647.                          Bei Dao
  648.                       Ailbhe Darcy
  649.                         Kyle Dargan
  650.                       George Darley
  651.                      Erasmus Darwin
  652.                      Mahmoud Darwish
  653.                       Najwan Darwish
  654.                      Grigori Dashevsky
  655.                   Nora Marks Dauenhauer
  656.                      William Davenant
  657.                     Jonathan David
  658.               Donald (Grady) Davidson
  659.                         John Davidson
  660.               Lucretia Maria Davidson

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  661.                       Donald Davie
  662.                        Idris Davies
  663.                         John Davies
  664.                         Luke Davies
  665.                 Mary Carolyn Davies
  666.                     Carol V. Davis
  667.                    Christina Davis
  668.               Daniel Webster Davis
  669.               Frank Marshall Davis
  670.                       Jordan Davis
  671.                        Lydia Davis
  672.               Olena Kalytiak Davis
  673.                       Thomas Davis
  674.                      Thulani Davis
  675.                         Todd Davis
  676.                        Bruce Dawe
  677.                        Kwame Dawes
  678.                 Lucille Lang Day
  679.                       Connie Deanovich
  680.                          Lal Ded

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  681.                       Daniel Defoe
  682.                         Mark Defoe
  683.                       Thomas Dekker
  684.                         Juan Delgado
  685.             Alison Hawthorne Deming
  686.                  Brian Komei Dempster
  687.                     Sir John Denham
  688.                      Deborah DeNicola
  689.                       Darcie Dennigan
  690.                         Carl Dennis
  691.                        Felix Dennis
  692.                         Tory Dent
  693.                     Theodore Deppe
  694.                       Thomas Dermody
  695.                          Toi Derricotte
  696.                      Gavrila Derzhavin
  697.                      Abigail Deutsch
  698.                      Babette Deutsch
  699.               Tsering Wangmo Dhompa
  700.                              Diakwain

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  701.                         Joel Dias-Porter
  702.                       Joanne Diaz
  703.                      Natalie Diaz
  704.                      Charles Dickens
  705.                        James Dickey
  706.                   William H. Dickey
  707.                        Emily Dickinson
  708.                      Michael Dickman
  709.                         Katy Didden
  710.                     Bryan D. Dietrich
  711.                       Maggie Dietz
  712.                      Deborah Digges
  713.            LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs
  714.                      LeConté Dill
  715.                         Alex Dimitrov
  716.                        Laura Dimmit
  717.                         Linh Dinh
  718.                    Thomas M. Disch
  719.              Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
  720.                        Sarah Dixon

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  721.                      Gregory Djanikian
  722.                          Tim Dlugos
  723.                         Oleg Dmitriev
  724.                 Henry Austin Dobson
  725.                      Stephen Dobyns
  726.                         Will Dockery
  727.                         Bill Dodds
  728.                       Jeramy Dodds
  729.                   Mary Mapes Dodge
  730.                         Anna Dodsworth
  731.                          Joe Dolce
  732.               Nathan Haskell Dole
  733.                       Sharon Dolin
  734.                        Chris Dombrowski
  735.                        David Dominguez
  736.                      Michael Donaghy
  737.                         John Donne
  738.                        Susan Donnelly
  739.                      Timothy Donnelly
  740.                        Hilda Doolittle

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  741.                         Gary Dop
  742.                         T.K. Doraiswamy
  743.                         Theo Dorgan
  744.                       Edward Dorn
  745.                      Tishani Doshi
  746.                         Mark Doty
  747.                    Edward A. Dougherty
  748.                        Keith Douglas
  749.                         Rita Dove
  750.                          Kim Dower
  751.                         John Dowland
  752.                       Ernest Dowson
  753.             Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  754.                          Cal Doyle
  755.         Sir Francis Hastings Doyle
  756.                        James Doyle
  757.                      Michael Drayton
  758.                         John Drinkwater
  759.                     Kathleen Driskell
  760.                     Maudelle Driskell

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  761.                       Qwo-Li Driskill
  762.                   Will Allen Dromgoole
  763.                      William Drummond of Hawthornden
  764.                William Henry Drummond
  765.                         John Dryden
  766.                       Norman Dubie
  767.                     Dorothea Du Bois
  768.                       W.E.B. Du Bois
  769.                       Eugene Dubnov
  770.                      Patrick Dubost
  771.                      Jehanne Dubrow
  772.                        Bruce Ducker
  773.                        Helen Dudley
  774.                    Carol Ann Duffy
  775.                         Alan Dugan
  776.                        Sasha Dugdale
  777.                        Trish Dugger
  778.                       Denise Duhamel
  779.                          Ian Duhig
  780.                        Henry Dumas

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  781.                Paul Laurence Dunbar
  782.                      William Dunbar
  783.                        Alice Dunbar-Nelson
  784.                       Robert Duncan
  785.                      Camille Dungy
  786.                      Rebecca Dunham
  787.                      Douglas Dunn
  788.                      Stephen Dunn
  789.                  Rachel Blau DuPlessis
  790.                         Paul Durcan
  791.                        Craig Dworkin
  792.             Joanne Dominique Dwyer
  793.                       Martin Dyar
  794.                       Stuart Dybek
  795.               Lady Catherine Dyer
  796.                   Sir Edward Dyer
  797.                    Cornelius Eady
  798.                   Mary Moore Easter
  799.                      Stephen Edgar
  800.                      Russell Edson

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  801.                      Richard Edwardes
  802.                       Joshua Edwards
  803.                        Moira Egan
  804.                         W.D. Ehrhart
  805.                       Gúnter Eich
  806.                        Janet Eigner
  807.                        Robin Ekiss
  808.                         Eric Ekstrand
  809.                       George Eliot
  810.                         T.S. Eliot
  811.                              Eliza
  812.                        Queen Elizabeth I
  813.                        David Elliott
  814.                     Ebenezer Elliott
  815.                       George Ellis
  816.                Thomas Sayers Ellis
  817.                         D.A. Ellsworth
  818.                     Odysseus Elytis
  819.                         Lynn Emanuel
  820.                      Claudia Emerson

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  821.                  Ralph Waldo Emerson
  822.                        Brook Emery
  823.                      William Empson
  824.                        Anita Endrezze
  825.                        Kathy Engel
  826.                         John Engels
  827.                         Paul Engle
  828.                         D.J. Enright
  829.                     Theodore Enslin
  830.                  Hans Magnus Enzensberger
  831.                              Ephelia
  832.                       Elaine Equi
  833.                      Heid E. Erdrich
  834.                       Louise Erdrich
  835.                         Ilya Erenburg
  836.                  Terri Kirby Erickson
  837.                         K.S. Ernst
  838.                       Martín Espada
  839.                     Rhina P. Espaillat
  840.               Jill Alexander Essbaum

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  841.                   Sir George Etherege
  842.                          Jin Eun-Young
  843.                  David Allan Evans
  844.                        Jorge Evans
  845.                       Landis Everson
  846.                      William Everson
  847.                        Peter Everwine
  848.                       Eve L. Ewing
  849.              Juliana Horatia Ewing
  850.                    Elisabeth Eybers
  851.                        Jenny Factor
  852.                        Kathy Fagan
  853.                         B.H. Fairchild
  854.                       Tarfia Faizullah
  855.                         Blas Falconer
  856.                          Ben Fama
  857.                       Robert Fanning
  858.              Catherine Maria Fanshawe
  859.                      Richard Fanshawe
  860.                      Eleanor Farjeon

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  861.                         Kate Farrell
  862.                       Forugh Farrokhzad
  863.                     Farnoosh Fathi
  864.                      William Faulkner
  865.                      Kenneth Fearing
  866.                        Paolo Febbraro
  867.                         Alan Feldman
  868.                       Irving Feldman
  869.                    Camonghne Felix
  870.                Jesse Patrick Ferguson
  871.                   Sir Samuel Ferguson
  872.                     Lawrence Ferlinghetti
  873.                       Robert Fernandez
  874.                       Monica Ferrell
  875.                        David Ferry
  876.                      Afanasy Fet
  877.               Arthur Davison Ficke
  878.                        Jerzy Ficowski
  879.                    Catherine Field
  880.                       Eugene Field

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  881.                      Michael Field
  882.                       Rachel Field
  883.                         Anne Finch
  884.                        Annie Finch
  885.                         Gary Fincke
  886.                        Nikky Finney
  887.                      Umberto Fiori
  888.                        Susan Firer
  889.                         Neil Fischer
  890.                       Norman Fischer
  891.                 Aileen Lucia Fisher
  892.                Diane Gilliam Fisher
  893.                          Roy Fisher
  894.                         Lisa Fishman
  895.                        Molly Fisk
  896.                       Robert Fitterman
  897.                         Adam Fitzgerald
  898.                       Edward Fitzgerald
  899.                       Robert Fitzgerald
  900.                      Jameson Fitzpatrick

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  901.                      Jessica Fjeld
  902.                  James Elroy Flecker
  903.                       Gerald Fleming
  904.                     Kathleen Flenniken
  905.                         John Fletcher
  906.                   John Gould Fletcher
  907.                        Ralph Fletcher
  908.                          Amy Fleury
  909.                      Douglas Florian
  910.                        Sandy Florian
  911.                      Leontia Flynn
  912.                         Nick Flynn
  913.              Rachel Contreni Flynn
  914.               Jennifer Elise Foerster
  915.                         Jean Follian
  916.                    Eliza Lee Follen
  917.                       Calvin Forbes
  918.                      Carolyn Forché
  919.                   Ford Madox Ford
  920.                        Katie Ford

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  921.                         Mark Ford
  922.                 T'ai Freedom Ford
  923.                        Tyler Ford
  924.                  Mary Weston Fordham
  925.                        Chris Forhan
  926.                 Sarah Louisa Forten
  927.                       Franco Fortini
  928.               Timothy Thomas Fortune
  929.                   Sam Walter Foss
  930.                   Stephen C. Foster
  931.                       Carrie Fountain
  932.                       Graham Foust
  933.                       Jackie Fox
  934.                        Emily Fragos
  935.                      Matthew Francis
  936.                       Robert Francis
  937.                       Vievee Francis
  938.                        Betsy Franco
  939.                      Britney Franco
  940.                         Gina Franco

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  941.                     Benjamin Franklin
  942.                       Krista Franklin
  943.                     Kathleen Fraser
  944.                       Santee Frazier
  945.               Barbara Claire Freeman
  946.                       Joseph Freeman
  947.                     Angélica Freitas
  948.                       Philip Freneau
  949.                        Daisy Fried
  950.                       Philip Fried
  951.                     Nicholas Friedman
  952.                     Patricia Frolander
  953.                        Carol Frost
  954.                       Robert Frost
  955.                           Tu Fu
  956.                       Joanna Fuhrman
  957.                         John Fuller
  958.                     Margaret Fuller
  959.                      William Fuller
  960.                        Alice Fulton

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  961.                          Sol Funaroff
  962.                         Lisa Furmanski
  963.                         Rose Fyleman
  964.                      Clifton Gachagua
  965.                     Jonathan Galassi
  966.                      Dunstan Gale
  967.                         Kate Gale
  968.                         Tess Gallagher
  969.                         John Gallaher
  970.                       Philip Gallo
  971.                        James Galvin
  972.                       Rachel Galvin
  973.                       Hannah Gamble
  974.                       Miriam Gamble
  975.                      Forrest Gander
  976.                       Sergei Gandlevskii
  977.                       Albert Garcia
  978.                        Diana García
  979.                Felecia Caton Garcia
  980.                     Federico García Lorca

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  981.                      Richard Garcia
  982.                      Suzanne Gardinier
  983.                         Drew Gardner
  984.                       George Garrett
  985.                    David Lee Garrison
  986.                       George Gascoigne
  987.                     Frank X. Gaspar
  988.                    Théophile Gautier
  989.                         Knar Gavin
  990.                         John Gay
  991.                         Ross Gay
  992.                      William Gay
  993.                        Steve Gehrke
  994.                           A. Geleskool
  995.                          Dan Gerber
  996.                       Robert Gernhardt
  997.                          Amy Gerstler
  998.                        David Gewanter
  999.          Mirza Asdullah Khan Ghalib
  1000.                      Charles Ghigna

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1001.                       Angelo Giambra
  1002.                       Robert Gibb
  1003.                  James Sloan Gibbons
  1004.                      Orlando Gibbons
  1005.                     Reginald Gibbons
  1006.                       Kahlil Gibran
  1007.                        Dobby Gibson
  1008.              Reginald O'Hare Gibson
  1009.               Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
  1010.                         Katy Giebenhain
  1011.                        Yosef Gikatilla
  1012.                  Christopher Gilbert
  1013.                         Jack Gilbert
  1014.                    Sandra M. Gilbert
  1015.                         W.S. Gilbert
  1016.                         Alan Gillis
  1017.              Caroline Howard Gilman
  1018.                    Dame Mary Gilmore
  1019.                       Carmen Giménez Smith
  1020.                        Allen Ginsberg

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1021.                         Dana Gioia
  1022.                       Joette Giorgis
  1023.                      Daniela Gioseffi
  1024.                        Nikki Giovanni
  1025.                      Zinaida Gippius
  1026.                      Arcelis Girmay
  1027.                        Peter Gizzi
  1028.                         Jody Gladding
  1029.                        Renee Gladman
  1030.                        Diane Glancy
  1031.                        Elton Glaser
  1032.                       Andrew Glaze
  1033.                         Greg Glazner
  1034.                     Helen T. Glenn
  1035.                         Tony Gloeggler
  1036.                     Carol L. Gloor
  1037.                       Louise Glück
  1038.                       Robert Glück
  1039.                     Patricia Goedicke
  1040.          Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (in English)

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1041.          Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (in Arabic, because why not?)
  1042.                       Albert Goldbarth
  1043.                        Barry Goldensohn
  1044.                       Albert Goldbarth
  1045.                       Judith Goldman
  1046.                      Kenneth Goldsmith
  1047.                       Oliver Goldsmith
  1048.                      Gabriel Gomez
  1049.                           S. Goncharenko
  1050.                      Leonard Gontarek
  1051.                     Kevin A. González
  1052.                          Ray Gonzalez
  1053.                    Rigoberto González
  1054.                         Brad Gooch
  1055.                        Kevin Goodan
  1056.                         D.R. Goodman
  1057.                         Paul Goodman
  1058.                     Johannes Göransson
  1059.                         Nada Gordon
  1060.                          Eva Gore-Booth

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1061.                   Sir Arthur Gorges
  1062.                Brandon Scott Gorrell
  1063.                         Nina Gorsky
  1064.                    Christine Gosnay
  1065.                        Garry Gottfriedson
  1066.                        Karin Gottshall
  1067.                    Hannah F. Gould
  1068.                              Gowann
  1069.                         John Gower
  1070.                     Kathleen Graber
  1071.                       Carrie Grabo
  1072.                        Harry Graham
  1073.                        Jorie Graham
  1074.                         W.S. Graham
  1075.                         Judy Grahn
  1076.                         Paul Grant
  1077.                       Robert Graves
  1078.                        Jason Gray
  1079.                     Jennifer Gray
  1080.                      Juliana Gray

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1081.                    Stephanie Gray
  1082.                       Thomas Gray
  1083.                      Nikolay Grebnev
  1084.                        Chris Green
  1085.                      Matthew Green
  1086.                       Samuel Green
  1087.                      Jessica Greenbaum
  1088.                  Miriam Bird Greenberg
  1089.                       Samuel Greenberg
  1090.                      Jeffrey Greene
  1091.                     Jonathan Greene
  1092.                       Robert Greene
  1093.                         John Greening
  1094.                      Lavinia Greenlaw
  1095.                       Jeanie Greensfelder
  1096.                         Kate Greenstreet
  1097.                      William Greenway
  1098.                       Debora Greger
  1099.                        Linda Gregerson
  1100.                        Linda Gregg

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1101.                       Julian Grenfell
  1102.                        Eamon Grennan
  1103.                        Fulke Greville
  1104.                       Gerald Griffin
  1105.                        Susan Griffin
  1106.                        Kevin Griffith
  1107.                     Nicholas Grimald
  1108.                        Nikki Grimes
  1109.                Angelina Weld Grimké
  1110.             Charlotte Forten Grimké
  1111.                     E. Tracy Grinnell
  1112.                        Eliza Griswold
  1113.                         Vona Groarke
  1114.                         Gleb Grobovsky
  1115.                        Kelle Groom
  1116.                       Philip Gross
  1117.                  Benjamin S. Grossberg
  1118.                        Allen Grossman
  1119.                     Dorothea Grossman
  1120.                     Jennifer Grotz

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1121.                         Lisa Grove
  1122.                       Daniel Groves
  1123.                        Megan Grumbling
  1124.                           S. Grushko
  1125.            Giovanni Battista Guarini
  1126.                        Bruce Guernsey
  1127.                      Barbara Guest
  1128.                        Edgar Guest
  1129.              Maurice Kilwein Guevara
  1130.                Lilace Mellin Guignard
  1131.                Louise Imogen Guiney
  1132.                       Arthur Guiterman
  1133.                      Nikolay Gumilev
  1134.                         Thom Gunn
  1135.                        Jason Guriel
  1136.                         Ivor Gurney
  1137.                       Andrei Guruianu
  1138.                      Camille Guthrie
  1139.                    Dafydd ap Gwilym
  1140.                         R.S. Gwynn

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1141.                         John Haag
  1142.                         Tami Haaland
  1143.                    Fleetwood Habergham
  1144.                      William Habington
  1145.                      Marilyn Hacker
  1146.                       Rachel Hadas
  1147.                              Hadewijch
  1148.                              Hadrian
  1149.                      Jessica Hagedorn
  1150.                       Kimiko Hahn
  1151.                        Susan Hahn
  1152.                       Robert Haight
  1153.                         John Haines
  1154.                        Helen Hajnoczky
  1155.                Thomas Gordon Hake
  1156.                      Ya'akov Hakohen
  1157.                Sarah Josepha Hale
  1158.                       Yehuda HaLevi
  1159.                       Donald Hall
  1160.                       Judith Hall

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1161.                  Fitz-Greene Halleck
  1162.                         Mark Halliday
  1163.                       Daniel Halpern
  1164.                      Barbara Hamby
  1165.                       Saskia Hamilton
  1166.                      Jupiter Hammon
  1167.                        Susan Hampton
  1168.                              Han-shan (Cold Mountain)
  1169.                     Nathalie Handal
  1170.                    Elizabeth Hands
  1171.                       Sophie Hannah
  1172.                        Twyla Hansen
  1173.                         Fran Haraway
  1174.                       Thomas Hardy
  1175.                        Jared Harel
  1176.                          Joy Harjo
  1177.                         Avis Harley
  1178.                      William Harmon
  1179.        Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
  1180.                   Michael S. Harper

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1181.                         Kate Harrington
  1182.                       Judith Harris
  1183.                      Jeffrey Harrison
  1184.                          Jim Harrison
  1185.                       Leslie Harrison
  1186.                      Roberto Harrison
  1187.                         Tony Harrison
  1188.                     Clarinda Harriss
  1189.                        David Harsent
  1190.                         Matt Hart
  1191.                        Penny Harter
  1192.                    Sadakichi Hartmann
  1193.                         F.W. Harvey
  1194.                      Matthea Harvey
  1195.                     Sarah C. Harwell
  1196.                          Lee Harwood
  1197.                     Raza Ali Hasan
  1198.                         Lola Haskins
  1199.                       Robert Hass
  1200.                     Margaret Hasse

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1201.                     Linda M. Hasselstrom
  1202.                       Warren Hastings
  1203.                      William Hathaway
  1204.                      Olav H. Hauge
  1205.                       Steven Hawes
  1206.                        Zozan Hawez
  1207.                    Nathaniel Hawthorne
  1208.                      Dolores Hayden
  1209.                       Robert Hayden
  1210.                     Terrance Hayes
  1211.                       Robert Hayman
  1212.                  Ava Leavell Haymon
  1213.                   Lois Beebe Hayna
  1214.                         John Hazard
  1215.                      Rebecca Hazelton
  1216.                       Samuel Hazo
  1217.                          Oli Hazzard
  1218.                 Eloise Klein Healy
  1219.                          Tom Healy
  1220.                       Seamus Heaney

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1221. Josephine Delphine Henderson Heard
  1222.                        Vicki Hearne
  1223.                         Todd Hearon
  1224.                      Anthony Hecht
  1225.             Jennifer Michael Hecht
  1226.                      Allison Hedge Coke
  1227.                       Robert Hedin
  1228.                        Donal Heffernan
  1229.                       Steven Heighton
  1230.                          Lyn Hejinian
  1231.                        Peter Heller
  1232.                        Scott Helmes
  1233.                      Felicia Hemans
  1234.                         Kris Hemensley
  1235.                       Ernest Hemingway
  1236.                        Elise Hempel
  1237.                        Essex Hemphill
  1238.               William Ernest Henley
  1239.                         John Hennessy
  1240.                        Brian Henry

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1241.                       Gordon Henry
  1242.                         King Henry VIII
  1243.                       George Herbert
  1244.                  Mary Sidney Herbert
  1245.                     Zbigniew Herbert
  1246.                        David Hernandez
  1247.                      Marcelo Hernandez Castillo
  1248.                       Miguel Hernández
  1249.                  Juan Felipe Herrera
  1250.                          Lee Herrick
  1251.                       Robert Herrick
  1252.                       Steven Herrick
  1253.                       Robert Hershon
  1254.                      Dorothy Hewett
  1255.                         Seán Hewitt
  1256.                      William Heyen
  1257.                       Thomas Heywood
  1258.                         Mary Hickman
  1259.                      Patrick Hicks
  1260.                          Bob Hicok

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1261.                    Christine Higgins
  1262.                     Rita Ann Higgins
  1263.                      Tiffany Higgins
  1264.                         Ella Higginson
  1265.                        Scott Hightower
  1266.                       Conrad Hilberry
  1267.                       Ernest Hilbert
  1268.                     Geoffrey Hill
  1269.                      Roberta Hill
  1270.                         Sean Hill
  1271.                       Brenda Hillman
  1272.                        Daryl Hine
  1273.                        Ellen Hinsey
  1274.                      Takashi Hiraide
  1275.                         Jane Hirschfield
  1276.                              Hittan of Tayyi
  1277.                      Matthew Hittinger
  1278.                         H.L. Hix
  1279.                         Tony Hoagland
  1280.         Stuart Youngman "Sy" Hoawah

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1281.                    Elizabeth Hobbs
  1282.                     Mary Ann Hoberman
  1283.                         Ivan Hobson
  1284.                        James Hoch
  1285.                      Chinaka Hodge
  1286.                         John Hodgen
  1287.                        Ralph Hodgson
  1288.                       Daniel Hoffman
  1289.                      Richard Hoffman
  1290.                         Yoel Hoffman
  1291.                      Michael Hofmann
  1292.                       Richie Hofmann
  1293.                        Linda Hogan
  1294.                        James Hogg
  1295.                         Sara Holbrook
  1296.                     Jonathan Holden
  1297.                      Raymond Holden
  1298.                    Friedrich Hölderlin
  1299.                      Harmony Holiday
  1300.                        Sarah Holland-Batt

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1301.                       Andrea Hollander
  1302.                         John Hollander
  1303.                       Anselm Hollo
  1304.                Joseph Cephas Holly
  1305.                         Bill Holm
  1306.                          Bob Holman
  1307.                     Meredith Holmes
  1308.               Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
  1309.             Darrel Alejandro Holnes
  1310.                       Ludvig Holstein
  1311.                     Miroslav Holub
  1312.                              Homer
  1313.                   Anna Maria Hong
  1314.                   Cathy Park Hong
  1315.                      Garrett Hongo
  1316.                        Chloe Honum
  1317.                       Thomas Hood
  1318.                      Rebecca Hoogs
  1319.                      Eleanor Hooker
  1320.                         Lita Hooper

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1321.                         Paul Hoover
  1322.                     Laurence Hope
  1323.                Gerard Manley Hopkins
  1324.                       Ailish Hopper
  1325.                              Horace
  1326.                 George Moses Horton
  1327.                         Joan Horton
  1328.                         Joan Houlihan
  1329.                         A.E. Housman
  1330.                    Nancyrose Houston
  1331.                        Henry Howard
  1332.                      Richard Howard
  1333.                        Fanny Howe
  1334.                   Julia Ward Howe
  1335.                       Leanne Howe
  1336.                        Marie Howe
  1337.                        Lucas Howell
  1338.                Rebecca Gayle Howell
  1339.                      Barbara Howes
  1340.                        Helen Hoyt

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1341.                       Andrew Hudgins
  1342.                      Michael Hudson
  1343.                        Regan Huff
  1344.                       Steven Huff
  1345.                     Caoilinn Hughes
  1346.                     Langston Hughes
  1347.                          Ted Hughes
  1348.                      Richard Hugo
  1349.                       Victor Hugo (mostly in French)
  1350.                        Lynda Hull
  1351.                         T.E. Hulme
  1352.                    Alexander Hume
  1353.                        Maria Hummel
  1354.                         T.R. Hummer
  1355.                        Leigh Hunt
  1356.                          Sam Hunt
  1357.                         Anne Hunter
  1358.                      Cynthia Huntington
  1359.                      Ho Xuan Huong
  1360.                        Karla Huston

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1361.                       Ishion Hutchinson
  1362.                       Joseph Hutchison
  1363.                        Susan Hutton
  1364.              Rebekah Gumpert Hyneman
  1365.                     Luisa A. Igloria
  1366.                        David Ignatow
  1367.                       Brenda Iijima
  1368.                    Catherine Imbriglio
  1369.                 Lawson Fusao Inada
  1370.                         Jean Ingelow
  1371.                           P. Inman
  1372.                         Mark Irwin
  1373.                     Rashidah Ismaili
  1374.                    Kobayashi Issa
  1375.                         Lucy Ives
  1376.                       Edmond Jabès
  1377.                       Angela Jackson
  1378.                   Helen Hunt Jackson
  1379.               Laura (Riding) Jackson
  1380.                        Major Jackson

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1381.                    Josephine Jacobsen
  1382.                          Roy Jacobstein
  1383.                      Richard Jago
  1384.                        Clive James
  1385.                     Kathleen Jamie
  1386.                        Ernst Jandl (most in German)
  1387.                        Rhoda Janzen
  1388.                         Mark Jarman
  1389.                         Lisa Jarnot
  1390.                      Randall Jarrell
  1391.                         T.J. Jarrett
  1392.                      Richard Jarrette
  1393.                        Paolo Javier
  1394.              Honorée Fanonne Jeffers
  1395.                     Robinson Jeffers
  1396.                     Elfriede Jelinek
  1397.                       Lesley Jenike
  1398.                        Louis Jenkins
  1399.                        Biddy Jenkinson
  1400.                       Philip Jenks

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1401.                       Amanda Jernigan
  1402.                         V.J. Jerome
  1403.                     Tyehimba Jess
  1404.                   Sarah Orne Jewett
  1405.                       Sophie Jewett
  1406.                       Ouyang Jianghe
  1407.                   Juan Ramón Jiménez
  1408.                           Ha Jin
  1409.                     Hershman John
  1410.                          St. John of the Cross
  1411.                 Amaud Jamaul Johnson
  1412.                        Denis Johnson
  1413.                Emily Pauline Johnson
  1414.                       Fenton Johnson
  1415.              Georgia Douglas Johnson
  1416.                       Helene Johnson
  1417.                 James Weldon Johnson
  1418.                  John Philip Johnson
  1419.                  Paul Foster Johnson
  1420.                       Lionel Johnson

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1421.                       Ronald Johnson
  1422.                  Roxane Beth Johnson
  1423.                       Samuel Johnson
  1424.                      William Johnson
  1425.                        Allan Johnston
  1426.                        Devin Johnston
  1427.                      William Jolliff
  1428.                         Troy Jollimore
  1429.                   Douglas S. Jones
  1430.                     Ebenezer Jones
  1431.                         Mary Jones
  1432.              Patricia Spears Jones
  1433.                      Patrick Jones
  1434.                       Rodney Jones
  1435.                        Erica Jong
  1436.                          Ben Jonson
  1437.                      Jessica Jopp
  1438.                       A. Van Jordan
  1439.                         June Jordan
  1440.                       Pierre Joris

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1441.                       Andrew Joron
  1442.                        Jenny Joseph
  1443.                     Lawrence Joseph
  1444.                         Fady Joudah
  1445.                        James Joyce
  1446.                      Charles Juliet
  1447.                      Jeffrey Jullich
  1448.                       Donald Justice
  1449.                              Kabir
  1450.                         Inna Kabysh
  1451.                           A. Kafanov
  1452.                        Mohja Kahf
  1453.                       Elaine Kahn
  1454.                       Joseph Kalar
  1455.                      Marilyn Kallet
  1456.                       George Kalogeris
  1457.                         Ilya Kaminsky
  1458.                         Joan Kane
  1459.                        Bhanu Kapil
  1460.                        Katia Kapovich

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1461.         Britteney Black Rose Kapri
  1462.                        Vinda Karandikar
  1463.                         Mary Karr
  1464.                        Julia Kasdorf
  1465.                        Laura Kasischke
  1466.                      Richard Katrovas
  1467.                        Bobbi Katz
  1468.                          Bob Kaufman
  1469.                     Margaret Kaufman
  1470.                      Shirley Kaufman
  1471.                         Rupi Kaur
  1472.                      Douglas Kearney
  1473.                         John Keats
  1474.                       Weldon Kees
  1475.                Brigit Pegeen Kelly
  1476.                       Roisin Kelly
  1477.                        Susan Kelly-Dewitt
  1478.                 Frances Anne Kemble
  1479.                        Harry Kemp
  1480.                         E.R. Kennedy

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1481.                         X.J. Kennedy
  1482.                     Victoria Kennefick
  1483.                      Richard Kenney
  1484.                         Jane Kenyon
  1485.                         Jack Kerouac
  1486.                       Stuart Kestenbaum
  1487.                          Amy Key
  1488.                Francis Scott Key
  1489.                   Keorapetse Kgositsile
  1490.                         Mimi Khalvati
  1491.                      Vandana Khanna
  1492.                       Daniil Kharms
  1493.                    Vladislav Khodasevich
  1494.                         Dore Kiesselbach
  1495.                         Paul Killebrew
  1496.                        Kevin Killian
  1497.                         Anne Killigrew
  1498.                 Aline Murray Kilmer
  1499.                        Joyce Kilmer
  1500.                      Chungmi Kim

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1501.                     Myung Mi Kim
  1502.                   Suji Kwock Kim
  1503.                        James Kimbrell
  1504.                         Burt Kimmelman
  1505.                          Amy King
  1506.                        Henry King
  1507.                       Robert King
  1508.                       Galway Kinnell
  1509.                         John Kinsella
  1510.                       Thomas Kinsella
  1511.                        Susan Kinsolving
  1512.                         Mary Kinzie
  1513.                      Rudyard Kipling
  1514.                        David Kirby
  1515.                         Karl Kirchwey
  1516.                     Patricia Kirkpatrick
  1517.                         Adam Kirsch
  1518.                        Sarah Kirsch
  1519.                        Steve Kistulentz
  1520.                       Judith Kitchen

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1521.                      Carolyn Kizer
  1522.                        Caleb Klaces
  1523.                          Ish Klein
  1524.                      Michael Klein
  1525.                       August Kleinzahler
  1526.                       Joanna Klink
  1527.                      William Kloefkorn
  1528.                         Nate Klug
  1529.                  Trevor West Knapp
  1530.                       Hester Knibbe
  1531.                    Etheridge Knight
  1532.                         Bill Knott
  1533.                        Kirby Knowlton
  1534.                      Kenneth Koch
  1535.                       Rodney Koeneke
  1536.                        Ronld Koertge
  1537.                        Wayne Koestenbaum
  1538.                         John Koethe
  1539.                      Barbara Köhler
  1540.                        Susan Kolodny

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1541.                        Yusef Komunyakaa
  1542.                          Ted Kooser
  1543.                           A. Korchagin
  1544.                           V. Korchagin
  1545.                       Dmitry Kovalev
  1546.                       Gisela Kraft
  1547.                        Aaron Kramer
  1548.                         Mark Kraushaar
  1549.                       Alfred Kreymborg
  1550.                       Judith Kroll
  1551.                           A. Krongauz
  1552.                      Anatoly Kudryavitsky
  1553.                       Vasily Kulemin
  1554.                      Izumrud Kulieva
  1555.                       Maxine Kumin
  1556.                        Linda Kunhardt
  1557.                       Zaffar Kunial
  1558.                      Stanley Kunitz
  1559.                    Stanislav Kunyaev
  1560.                       Jaimee Kuperman

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1561.                         Ilya Kutik
  1562.                      Stephen Kuusisto
  1563.                      Mikhail Kuzmin
  1564.                      Melissa Kwasny
  1565.                       Joanne Kyger
  1566.                        Jason Labbe
  1567.                              Labid
  1568.                         Nick Laird
  1569.                       Philip Lamantia
  1570.                      Charles Lamb
  1571.                         Mary Lamb
  1572.                      Danusha Laméris
  1573.                      Deborah Landau
  1574.                  Joan Hutton Landis
  1575.            Letitia Elizabeth Landon
  1576.                Walter Savage Landor
  1577.                      William Langland
  1578.                    Daniel J. Langton
  1579.                       Sidney Lanier
  1580.                  Quraysh Ali Lansana

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1581.                       Gerrit Lansing
  1582.                        Bruce Lansky
  1583.                         Nick Lantz
  1584.                       Æmilia Lanyer
  1585.                         Lucy Larcom
  1586.                        Bruce Larkin
  1587.                         Joan Larkin
  1588.                       Philip Larkin
  1589.                        Karma Larsen
  1590.                        Lance Larsen
  1591.                    Katherine Larson
  1592.                        James Lasdun
  1593.                     Dorothea Lasky
  1594.                        David Lau
  1595.                        James Laughlin
  1596.                       Rickey Laurentiis
  1597.                          Ann Lauterbach
  1598.                     Dorianne Laux
  1599.                         Tato Laviera
  1600.                         D.H. Lawrence

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1601.                        Henry Lawson
  1602.                       Robert Lax
  1603.                         Emma Lazarus
  1604.                      Richard Le Gallienne
  1605.                       Sidney Lea
  1606.                       Edward Lear
  1607.                          Dan Lechay
  1608.                         J.T. Ledbetter
  1609.                         Katy Lederer
  1610.                      Francis Ledwidge
  1611.                        David Lee
  1612.                       Ed Bok Lee
  1613.                Eleanor Percy Lee
  1614.                       Esther Lee
  1615.                Karen An-hwei Lee
  1616.                     Li-Young Lee
  1617.                    Priscilla Lee
  1618.                          Jay Leeming
  1619.                          Joy Leftow
  1620.                    Joseph O. Legaspi

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  1621.                       Sylvia Legris
  1622.                        David Lehman
  1623.                      Richard Lehnert
  1624.                       Alissa Leigh
  1625.                        Helen Leigh
  1626.                         Brad Leithauser
  1627.                       Hailey Leithauser
  1628.                        James Lenfestey
  1629.                          Jon Leon
  1630.               William Ellery Leonard
  1631.                      Giacomo Leopardi
  1632.                      Mikhail Lermontov
  1633.                          Ben Lerner
  1634.                        Megan Levad
  1635.                       Denise Levertov
  1636.                   Jan Heller Levi
  1637.                        Primo Levi
  1638.                         Dana Levin
  1639.                       Hanoch Levin
  1640.                         Neal Levin

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1641.                      Phillis Levin
  1642.                         Mark Levine
  1643.                       Philip Levine
  1644.                      Richard Levine
  1645.                        Larry Levis
  1646.                      Frances Leviston
  1647.                    Constance Levy
  1648.                         D.A. Levy
  1649.                         Alun Lewis
  1650.                         C.S. Lewis
  1651.                      Gwyneth Lewis
  1652.                   J. Patrick Lewis
  1653.                 Janet Loxley Lewis
  1654.                  Robin Coste Lewis
  1655.                              Li Po
  1656.                         Yang Lian
  1657.                      Russell Libby
  1658.                          Lyn Lifshin
  1659.                        Carol Light
  1660.                       Gordon Lightfoot

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1661.                        Juhan Liiv
  1662.             Shirley Geok-Lin Lim
  1663.                        Frank Lima
  1664.                          Ada Limón
  1665.                      Abraham Lincoln
  1666.                      Rebecca Lindenberg
  1667.                        April Lindner
  1668.                      Frannie Lindsay
  1669.                        Sarah Lindsay
  1670.                       Vachel Lindsay
  1671.                        Moira Linehan
  1672.                           S. Lipkin
  1673.                         Joel Lipman
  1674.                      Michael Lista
  1675.                         Inna Lisyansky
  1676.                         Mark Lisyansky
  1677.                         Carl Little
  1678.                         Sara Littlecrow-Russell
  1679.                      Timothy Liu
  1680.                         Chip Livingston

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1681.                        Henry Livingston
  1682.                    Myra Cohn Livingston
  1683.                          Reb Livingston
  1684.                         Fran Lock
  1685.                        Diane Lockward
  1686.                     Patricia Lockwood
  1687.                       Rachel Loden
  1688.                       Thomas Lodge
  1689.                         Judy Loest
  1690.                         John Logan
  1691.                      William Logan
  1692.                  Christopher Logue
  1693.                      Lily A. Long
  1694.                        James Longenbach
  1695.              Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  1696.                         Pura López-Colomé
  1697.              Federico García Lorca
  1698.                         Dave Lordan
  1699.                        Audre Lorde
  1700.                Emilia Stuart Lorimer

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1701.        Katherine Auchincloss Lorr
  1702.                    Adrian C. Louis
  1703.                         Dick Lourie
  1704.                         H.P. Lovecraft
  1705.                      Richard Lovelace
  1706.                       Samuel Lover
  1707.                       Denise Low
  1708.                      Bridget Lowe
  1709.                       Hannah Lowe
  1710.                          Amy Lowell
  1711.                James Russell Lowell
  1712.                       Robert Lowell
  1713.                         Mina Loy
  1714.                         Dave Lucas
  1715.                              Lucretius
  1716.                        Roddy Lumsden
  1717.                       Sheryl Luna
  1718.                        David Lunde
  1719.                      Yitzhak Luria
  1720.                       Thomas Lux

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1721.                      Mikhail Lvov
  1722.                         John Lydgate
  1723.                         John Lyly
  1724.                     Kathleen Lynch
  1725.                    Thomas P. Lynch
  1726.                        Alice Lyons
  1727.                       George Lyttelton
  1728.                       Aifric Mac Aodha
  1729.                         Seán Mac Falls
  1730.                      Jackson Mac Low
  1731.                   Anne Marie Macari
  1732.             Thomas Babington Macaulay
  1733.                         Hugh MacDiarmid
  1734.                      Cynthia Macdonald
  1735.                       Thomas MacGreevy
  1736.                      Antonio Machado
  1737.                        Teddy Macker
  1738.                    Nathaniel Mackey
  1739.                        Bruce Mackinnon
  1740.                     Margaret Mackinnon

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1741.                       Joanie Mackowski
  1742.                        Julie Maclean
  1743.                    Archibald MacLeish
  1744.                        Louis MacNeice
  1745.                     Marjorie Maddox
  1746.                      Haki R. Madhubuti
  1747.                      Anthony Madrid
  1748.               John Gillespie Magee
  1749.                           Al Maginnes
  1750.                      Valerio Magrelli
  1751.                        Derek Mahon
  1752.               Christine Lynn Mahoney
  1753.                     Jennifer Maiden
  1754.                     Jennifer Maier
  1755.                         Amit Majmudar
  1756.                     Clarence Major
  1757.                         Mary Makofske
  1758.                       Gerald Malanga
  1759.                       Curzio Malaparte
  1760.                         Dora Malech

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1761.                       Taylor Mali
  1762.                     Stéphane Mallarmé
  1763.                        David Mallet
  1764.                         John Maloney
  1765.                       Claire Malroux
  1766.                         Osip Mandelstam
  1767.                        Freya Manfred
  1768.               James Clarence Mangan
  1769.                        Kathy Mangan
  1770.                        Sarah Manguso
  1771.                         Bill Manhire
  1772.                    Bonnie J. Manion
  1773.                      Randall Mann
  1774.                      Maurice Manning
  1775.                         Ruth Manning-Sanders
  1776.                       Robert Mannyng
  1777.                        Chris Mansell
  1778.                    Katherine Mansfield
  1779.                      Charles Manson
  1780.                              Mantinadologoi

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1781.                    Sally Wen Mao
  1782.                         Fred Marchant
  1783.                         Carl Marcum
  1784.                      Richard Marggraf Turley
  1785.                  Jeff Daniel Marion
  1786.                Linda Parsons Marion
  1787.                      Kathryn Maris
  1788.                       Ron De Maris
  1789.                 Sabrina Orah Mark
  1790.                Edward Archie Markham
  1791.                        Edwin Markham
  1792.                  Christopher Marlowe
  1793.                        Debra Marquart
  1794.                     Gretchen Marquette
  1795.                          Don Marquis
  1796.                       Samuel Marshak
  1797.                         Nate Marshall
  1798.                          Tod Marshall
  1799.                       Robert Marteau
  1800.                      Chelsea Martin

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1801.                   Dawn Lundy Martin
  1802.                  David Tomas Martinez
  1803.                         Toby Martinez de las Rivas
  1804.                  Dionisio D. Martínez
  1805.                   J. Michael Martinez
  1806.                         Paul Martínez Pompa
  1807.                      Valerie Martínez
  1808.                       Pierre Martory
  1809.                       Andrew Marvell
  1810.                         Cate Marvin
  1811.                         John Masefield
  1812.                        David Mason
  1813.                         Matt Mason
  1814.                    Edgar Lee Masters
  1815.              Florence Ripley Mastin
  1816.                       Adrian Matejka
  1817.            Elizabeth Kirkham Mathews
  1818.                        Harry Mathews
  1819.                    Cleopatra Mathis
  1820.                       Khaled Mattawa

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1821.             Christopher Todd Matthews
  1822.                    Sebastian Matthews
  1823.                      William Matthews
  1824.                         John Matthias
  1825.                        Farid Matuk
  1826.                      Mikhail Matusovsky
  1827.                  Jean-Michel Maulpoix
  1828.                       Elinor Maxwell
  1829.                         Glyn Maxwell
  1830.                  James Clerk Maxwell
  1831.                       Jamaal May
  1832.                         Wong May
  1833.                   Bernadette Mayer
  1834.                      Nikolay Mayorov
  1835.                         Gail Mazur
  1836.                         John McAuliffe
  1837.                        Steve McCaffery
  1838.                        Shara McCallum
  1839.                        Janet McCann
  1840.                  Kathleen M. McCann

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1841.                          Lee McCarthy
  1842.                         J.D. McClatchy
  1843.                        Nancy McCleery
  1844.                George Marion McClellan
  1845.                        Laren McClung
  1846.                      Michael McClure
  1847.                       Monica McClure
  1848.                         John McCrae
  1849.                        Shane McCrae
  1850.                       Marion McCready
  1851.                 Kunst Judith McCune
  1852.                      Jeffrey McDaniel
  1853.                      Raymond McDaniel
  1854.                       Walter McDonald
  1855.                         Jill McDonough
  1856.                           Jo McDougall
  1857.                   Colleen J. McElroy
  1858.                        Kevin McFadden
  1859.                      Michael McFee
  1860.                James Ephraim McGirt

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1861.                       Karyna McGlynn
  1862.                      William McGonagall (if you insist)
  1863.                        Roger McGough
  1864.                     Campbell McGrath
  1865.                       Thomas McGrath
  1866.                        Medbh McGuckian
  1867.                  Ashley Anna McHugh
  1868.                      Heather McHugh
  1869.                       Claude McKay
  1870.                        James McKean
  1871.                      Michael McKimm
  1872.                        Irene McKinney
  1873.                          Rod McKuen
  1874.                   Maureen N. McLane
  1875.                        Isaac McLellan
  1876.                        James McMichael
  1877.                       Wesley McNair
  1878.                        Janet McNally
  1879.                       Sandra McPherson
  1880.                        Molly McQuade

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  1881.                      Joyelle McSweeney
  1882.                         Jane Mead
  1883.                        Paula Meehan
  1884.           Alexander Beaufort Meek
  1885.                       Joshua Mehigan
  1886.                        Erika Meitner
  1887.                      Valerie Mejer Caso
  1888.                              Meleager
  1889.               Emmett Tenorio Melendez
  1890.               Jesús Papolete Meléndez
  1891.                        Maria Melendez Kelson
  1892.                       Herman Melville
  1893.                       Philip Memmer
  1894.                       Samuel Menashe
  1895.                          Max Mendelsohn
  1896.                       Murilo Mendes
  1897.              Orlando Ricardo Menes
  1898.                  Adah Isaacs Menken
  1899.                       George Meredith
  1900.                      William Meredith

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  1901.                         Mary Meriam
  1902.                         Alda Merini
  1903.                        Billy Merrell
  1904.                          Eve Merriam
  1905.                        James Merrill
  1906.                       Thomas Merton
  1907.                         W.S. Merwin
  1908.                        Corey Mesler
  1909.                       Sharon Mesmer
  1910.                      Michael Metivier
  1911.                         Gary Metras
  1912.                       Philip Metres
  1913.               Charlotte Mary Mew
  1914.                        Susan Meyers
  1915.                        Dante Micheaux
  1916.                  Christopher Middleton
  1917.                       Thomas Middleton
  1918.                        Dunya Mikhail
  1919.                          Ken Mikolowski
  1920.                    Josephine Miles

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  1921.                       Joseph Millar
  1922.             Edna St. Vincent Millay
  1923.                   Alice Duer Miller
  1924.                   C. Michael Miller
  1925.                      Carolyn Miller
  1926.                 E. Ethelbert Miller
  1927.                         Greg Miller
  1928.                         Jane Miller
  1929.              Leslie Adrienne Miller
  1930.                         Sara Miller
  1931.                      William Miller
  1932.                        Spike Milligan
  1933.                          Joe Mills
  1934.                       Stuart Mills
  1935.                        Tyler Mills
  1936.                       Wilmer Mills
  1937.                         A.A. Milne
  1938.                    Christian Milne
  1939.                      Czeslaw Milosz
  1940.                         John Milton

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  1941.                        Marla Miniano
  1942.                      Chelsea Minnis
  1943.                   Deborah A. Miranda
  1944.                         Gary Miranda
  1945.                       Judson Mitcham
  1946.                         Joan Mitchell
  1947.                        Roger Mitchell
  1948.                        Susan Mitchell
  1949.                         Ange Mlinko
  1950.                       Thorpe Moeckel
  1951.                        Rajiv Mohabir
  1952.                     K. Silem Mohammad
  1953.                       Penina Moise
  1954.                     N. Scott Momaday
  1955.                       Martin Monahan
  1956.                              Mong-Lan
  1957.                    Geraldine Monk
  1958.                      Harriet Monroe
  1959.                       Leslie Monsour
  1960.            Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

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  1961.                         John Montague
  1962.                        James Montgomery
  1963.                      Susanna Moodie
  1964.                    Elizabeth Moody
  1965.               William Vaughn Moody
  1966.                       Berwyn Moore
  1967.                Clement Clark Moore
  1968.                        Honor Moore
  1969.                       Lilian Moore
  1970.                     Marianne Moore
  1971.                   Richard O. Moore
  1972.                       Thomas Moore
  1973.                         Ruth Moose
  1974.                          Pat Mora
  1975.                        Glenn Morazzini
  1976.                          Jan Mordenski
  1977.                        Heidi Mordhorst
  1978.                       Hannah More
  1979.                        Edwin Morgan
  1980.             Elizabeth Seydel Morgan

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  1981.              Phillip Carroll Morgan
  1982.                       Robert Morgan
  1983.                        Robin Morgan
  1984.                        Laura Moriarty
  1985.                     Tomás Q. Morín
  1986.                        Junna Morits
  1987.                         A.F. Moritz
  1988.                        Hilda Morley
  1989.                      Herbert Morris
  1990.                         Mary Morris
  1991.                       Mervyn Morris
  1992.                        Naomi Morris
  1993.                       Thomas Morris
  1994.                      William Morris
  1995.                        Rusty Morrison
  1996.                       Graham Mort
  1997.                        Helen Mort
  1998.                     Valzhyna Mort
  1999.                        Frank Morton
  2000.                     Karla K. Morton

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  2001.                         Anna Moschovakis
  2002.                       Eisder Mosquera
  2003.                       Howard Moss
  2004.                         Jeff Moss
  2005.                      Stanley Moss
  2006.                      Thylias Moss
  2007.                         Fred Moten
  2008.                       Andrew Motion
  2009.                     Jennifer Moxley
  2010.                        Lisel Mueller
  2011.                         Paul Muldoon
  2012.                    Harryette Mullen
  2013.                          Kay Mullen
  2014.                        Laura Mullen
  2015.                        Peter Munro
  2016.                        David Mura
  2017.                         John Murillo
  2018.                     Bruce F. Murphy
  2019.                         Erin Murphy
  2020.                         Rich Murphy

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  2021.                       Sheila Murphy
  2022.                      Timothy Murphy
  2023.                     Georgina Murray
  2024.                         Joan Murray
  2025.                          Les Murray
  2026.                Robert Fuller Murray
  2027.                        David Musgrave
  2028.                        Carol Muske-Dukes
  2029.                         Gina Myers
  2030.                       Eileen Myles
  2031.                      Kristin Naca
  2032.                       Semeon Nadson
  2033.                        Angel Nafis
  2034.                       Daljit Nagra
  2035.                          Art Nahill
  2036.                         Nora Naranjo-Morse
  2037.                          Lee Nash
  2038.                        Ogden Nash
  2039.                       Thomas Nashe
  2040.                   Leonard E. Nathan

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  2041.                         Uche Nduka
  2042.                   John Mason Neale
  2043.                        Julia Neiman
  2044.                 Alice Dunbar Nelson
  2045.                         Eric Nelson
  2046.                         Joel Nelson
  2047.                      Marilyn Nelson
  2048.                       Howard Nemerov
  2049.                        Pablo Neruda
  2050.                        Edith Nesbit
  2051.                         Kenn Nesbitt
  2052.                         Sean Nevin
  2053.                        Laura Newbern
  2054.                    Sir Henry Newbolt
  2055.                          Amy Newman
  2056.                      Richard Newman
  2057.                        Aimee Nezhukumatathil
  2058.                   Diana Khoi Nguyen
  2059.                          Hoa Nguyen
  2060.                        Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2061.                       Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh
  2062.                     Doireann Ní Ghríofa
  2063.                        Duane Niatum
  2064.                          Mel Nichols
  2065.                       Robert Nichols
  2066.                       Norman Nicholson
  2067.                         Mark Nickels
  2068.                       Lorine Niedecker
  2069.                      Matthew Nienow
  2070.                           E. Nikolaevsky
  2071.                       Philip Nikolayev
  2072.                        Kathy Nilsson
  2073.               John Frederick Nims
  2074.                      Urayoán Noel
  2075.                         Yone Noguchi
  2076.                          Tim Nolan
  2077.                     Margaret Noodin
  2078.                         Jean Nordhaus
  2079.                          Kim Noriega
  2080.                     Kathleen Norris

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  2081.                       Harold Norse
  2082.                         Kate Northrop
  2083.                        Linda Norton
  2084.                        Alice Notley
  2085.                         Idra Novey
  2086.                       Alfred Noyes
  2087.                           D. Nurkse
  2088.                 Naomi Shihab Nye
  2089.                       Daniel Nyikos
  2090.                        Debra Nystrom
  2091.                         Mark O'Brien
  2092.                         Sean O'Brien
  2093.                         Seán Ó Coileáin
  2094.                     Kristine O'Connell George
  2095.                      Deirdre O'Connor
  2096.                       Angela O'Donnell
  2097.                      Bernard O'Dowd
  2098.                       Dennis O'Driscoll
  2099.                     Jennifer O'Grady
  2100.                        Frank O'Hara

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  2101.                     Theodore O'Hara
  2102.                        Peter O'Leary
  2103.                      Antoine Ó Raifteiri
  2104.                    Mary Rose O'Reilley
  2105.                    Caitríona O'Reilly
  2106.                         Seán Ó Ríordáin
  2107.                       Meghan O'Rourke
  2108.                       Arthur O'Shaughnessy
  2109.                       Leanne O'Sullivan
  2110.                       Maggie O'Sullivan
  2111.                     Michelle O'Sullivan
  2112.                     Kathleen O'Toole
  2113.                      William Oandasan
  2114.                  Joyce Carol Oates
  2115.                       Miller Oberman
  2116.                          Lev Oborin
  2117.                           Ed Ochester
  2118.                           Ai Ogawa
  2119.                        Bulat Okudjava
  2120.                       Sharon Olds

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  2121.                         Mary Oliver
  2122.                      Charles Olson
  2123.                      Kurt S. Olsson
  2124.                         Lisa Olstein
  2125.                      Michael Ondaatje
  2126.                      Anthony Opal
  2127.                       Amelia Opie
  2128.                       George Oppen
  2129.                       Steven Orlen
  2130.                        Peter Orlovsky
  2131.                        David Orr
  2132.                      Gregory Orr
  2133.                     Simon J. Ortiz
  2134.                        Frank Osen
  2135.                   Jacqueline Osherow
  2136.                         Jill Osier
  2137.                         Jena Osman
  2138.                        Ladan Osman
  2139.                         Femi Osofisan
  2140.                     Kathleen Ossip

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  2141.                       Alicia Ostriker
  2142.                        Alice Oswald
  2143.            Elizabeth Lincoln Otis
  2144.                     Derek N. Otsuji
  2145.                              Ovid
  2146.                          Jan Owen
  2147.                      Wilfred Owen
  2148.                      Richard Owens
  2149.                       Robert Pack
  2150.                          Joe Paddock
  2151.                         Ruth Padel
  2152.                          Ron Padgett
  2153.                        Geoff Page
  2154.                         P.K. Page
  2155.                        Grace Paley
  2156.                        Brent Pallas
  2157.                      Michael Palmer
  2158.                       Nettie Palmer
  2159.                      Gregory Pardlo
  2160.                      Deborah Paredez

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  2161.               Hannah Sanghee Park
  2162.                      Dorothy Parker
  2163.                       Morgan Parker
  2164.                          Ian Parks
  2165.                        Henry Parland
  2166.                       Thomas Parnell
  2167.              Stephen Derwent Partington
  2168.                        Elise Partridge
  2169.                        Elise Paschen
  2170.                     Giovanni Pascoli
  2171.                        Linda Pastan
  2172.                        Boris Pasternak
  2173.                        Oskar Pastior
  2174.                      Kenneth Patchen
  2175.                     Shail D. Patel
  2176.                      Shailja Patel
  2177.                        Banjo Paterson
  2178.                          Don Paterson
  2179.                        Susie Patlove
  2180.                     Coventry Patmore

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  2181.                        Brian Patten
  2182.                     Veronica Patterson
  2183.                      Ricardo Pau-Llosa
  2184.                       Cesare Pavese
  2185.                         Vera Pavlova
  2186.                      Octavio Paz
  2187.                 Oliver de la Paz
  2188.                        Molly Peacock
  2189.                  Thomas Love Peacock
  2190.                   Alexandria Peary
  2191.                         John Peck
  2192.               Samuel Minturn Peck
  2193.                       George Peele
  2194.                       Nicole Pekarske
  2195.                       Alison Pelegrin
  2196.                  V. Penelope Pelizzon
  2197.                      Michael Pendragon
  2198.                        Peter Pereira
  2199.                          Sam Pereira
  2200.                          Bob Perelman

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  2201.                      Barbara Perez
  2202.                 Craig Santos Perez
  2203.                         Emmy Pérez
  2204.                         Omar Pérez
  2205.                        Lucia Perillo
  2206.               Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman
  2207.                    Nathaniel Perry
  2208.                         Paul Perry
  2209.                     Fernando Pessoa
  2210.                         Sara Peters
  2211.                      Paulann Petersen
  2212.                        Allan Peterson
  2213.                        Katie Peterson
  2214.                      Pascale Petit
  2215.                              Petrarch
  2216.                        Gaius Petronius
  2217.                         Kiki Petrosino
  2218.                       Thomas Pfau
  2219.                        Roger Pfingston
  2220.                    Alex-Quan Pham

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  2221.                     Hai-Dang Phan
  2222.                      Ambrose Philips
  2223.                    Katherine Philips
  2224.                         Alex Phillips
  2225.                         Carl Phillips
  2226.                       Emilia Phillips
  2227.                      Patrick Phillips
  2228.                Rowan Ricardo Phillips
  2229.           Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt
  2230.                      Anthony Piccione
  2231.                          Tom Pickard
  2232.                     Marjorie Pickthall
  2233.                        Marge Piercy
  2234.                        Pedro Pietri
  2235.                        János Pilinszky
  2236.                     Laetitia Pilkington
  2237.                         John Piller
  2238.                          Jon Pineda
  2239.                       Robert Pinsky
  2240.                        Shawn Pittard

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  2241.                      Vanessa Place
  2242.                       Sylvia Plath
  2243.                          Ann Plato
  2244.                           G. Plisetsky
  2245.                      Stanley Plumly
  2246.                         John Poch
  2247.                  Edgar Allan Poe
  2248.                       Robert Polito
  2249.                        Jacob Polley
  2250.                       Robert Pollok
  2251.                      Francis Ponge
  2252.                        Marie Ponsot
  2253.                        Aaron Poochigian
  2254.                    Alexander Pope
  2255.                       Jessie Pope
  2256.                      Antonio Porchia
  2257.                         Anne Porter
  2258.                       Robert Pottle
  2259.                           A. Poulin
  2260.                       Kaelum Poulson

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  2261.                         Ezra Pound
  2262.                         D.A. Powell
  2263.                         Lynn Powell
  2264.                     Kevin C. Powers
  2265.           Winthrop Mackworth Praed
  2266.                         E.J. Pratt
  2267.                 Minnie Bruce Pratt
  2268.                         Jack Prelutsky
  2269.                        Nancy Price
  2270.                      Richard Price
  2271.                      Matthew Prior
  2272.                      Pauline Prior-Pitt
  2273.                       Amrita Pritam
  2274.                         Nate Pritts
  2275.                Adelaide Anne Procter
  2276.                        Bryan Procter
  2277.                        Kevin Prufer
  2278.                        Wyatt Prunty
  2279.                         J.H. Prynne
  2280.                    Christina Pugh

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  2281.                         Mike Puican
  2282.                          Lia Purpura
  2283.                    Aleksandr Pushkin
  2284.                        Fabio Pusterla
  2285.                        Casey Pycior
  2286.                  Henry James Pye
  2287.                      Francis Quarles
  2288.                       George Quasha
  2289.                     Khadijah Queen
  2290.                         Sina Queyras
  2291.                     Lawrence Raab
  2292.                              Rabi'a
  2293.                         Anna Rabinowitz
  2294.                        Craig Raine
  2295.                     Kathleen Raine
  2296.                         Carl Rakosi
  2297.                   Sir Walter Raleigh
  2298.                        Steve Ramirez
  2299.                          Bin Ramke
  2300.                        Billy Ramsell

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  2301.                        Belle Randall
  2302.                       Dudley Randall
  2303.                        Jessy Randall
  2304.                        Julia Randall
  2305.                       Thomas Randolph
  2306.                      Claudia Rankine
  2307.                   John Crowe Ransom
  2308.                          Ron Rash
  2309.                         Matt Rasmussen
  2310.                      Chelsea Rathburn
  2311.                       Dahlia Ravikovitch
  2312.                          Tom Raworth
  2313.           Henrietta Cordelia Ray
  2314.                        Shann Ray
  2315.                        Hilda Raz
  2316.                         Liam Rector
  2317.                      Jacques Réda
  2318.                     Srikanth Reddy
  2319.                      Spencer Reece
  2320.                        Henry Reed

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  2321.                      Ishmael Reed
  2322.            Lizette Woodworth Reese
  2323.                     Rita Mae Reese
  2324.                     Jennifer Reeser
  2325.                        Roger Reeves
  2326.                          Pam Rehm
  2327.                         John Reibetanz
  2328.                        James Reidel
  2329.                       Ariana Reines
  2330.                       Thomas Reiter
  2331.                      Paisley Rekdal
  2332.                         John Repp
  2333.                         Joan Retallack
  2334.                       Carter Revard
  2335.                       Donald Revell
  2336.                       Pierre Reverdy
  2337.                      Kenneth Rexroth
  2338.                 Barbara Jane Reyes
  2339.                      Charles Reznikoff
  2340.                          San Rice

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  2341.                     Adrienne Rich
  2342.                         Beah Richards
  2343.                    Charlotte Richardson
  2344.                       Rachel Richardson
  2345.                       Edgell Rickword
  2346.                         Lola Ridge
  2347.                      John M. Ridland
  2348.                        Marci Ridlon
  2349.                         Sara Ries
  2350.                       Atsuro Riley
  2351.               James Whitcomb Riley
  2352.                        Peter Riley
  2353.                 Rainer Maria Rilke
  2354.                       Arthur Rimbaud
  2355.                      Alberto Ríos
  2356.                       Yannis Ritsos
  2357.                    Jessie B. Rittenhouse
  2358.                         Dale Ritterbusch
  2359.                        David Rivard
  2360.                          Sam Riviere

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  2361.                      Michael Robbins
  2362.                           Ed Roberson
  2363.                        Mitch Roberson
  2364.              Elizabeth Madox Roberts
  2365.                      Katrina Roberts
  2366.              Michael Symmons Roberts
  2367.                         Lisa Robertson
  2368.                        Robin Robertson
  2369.             Edward Arlington Robinson
  2370.                   Mary Darby Robinson
  2371.                  Christopher Robley
  2372.                        Tania Rochelle
  2373.                        David Roderick
  2374.                   Carolyn M. Rodgers
  2375.                         John Rodriguez
  2376.                 José Antonio Rodríguez
  2377.             Victor Rodríguez Núñez
  2378.                  Reina María Rodríguez
  2379.                     Theodore Roethke
  2380.                     Pattiann Rogers

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  2381.                       Samuel Rogers
  2382.                      Matthew Rohrer
  2383.                     Vsevolod Rojdestvensky
  2384.                        Susan Rolston
  2385.                       Martha Ronk
  2386.                     Kathleen Rooney
  2387.                      Lee Ann Roripaugh
  2388.                      Patrick Rosal
  2389.                      Jillena Rose
  2390.                        Wendy Rose
  2391.                      Raymond Roseliep
  2392.                        Catie Rosemurgy
  2393.                        Isaac Rosenberg
  2394.                          Liz Rosenberg
  2395.                        Emily Rosko
  2396.                   Sir Ronald Ross
  2397.                     J. Allyn Rosser
  2398.                    Christina Rossetti
  2399.                Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  2400.                       Jerome Rothenberg

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2401.                      Jacques Roubaud
  2402.                          Ina Rousseau
  2403.                     Nicholas Rowe
  2404.                      Susanna Roxman
  2405.                     Katerina Rudcenkova
  2406.                         Mark Rudman
  2407.                         Mary Ruefle
  2408.                       Muriel Rukeyser
  2409.                           O. Rumer
  2410.                              Rumi
  2411.                        Brian Russell
  2412.                      Michael Rutherglen
  2413.                 Abram Joseph Ryan
  2414.                       Declan Ryan
  2415.                          Kay Ryan
  2416.                      Michael Ryan
  2417.                         John Rybicki
  2418.                      Cynthia Rylant
  2419.                        Peter Sacks
  2420.                      Charles Sackville

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2421.              Benjamine Alire Sáenz
  2422.                        Jacob Saenz
  2423.                        Chika Sagawa
  2424.                      Jocelyn Saidenberg
  2425.                        Mo H. Saidi
  2426.                     Marjorie Saiser
  2427.                         John Sakkis
  2428.                        Ralph Salisbury
  2429.                      Mary Jo Salter
  2430.                          Ben Saltman
  2431.                           M. Samaev
  2432.                        Fiona Sampson
  2433.                     Erika L. Sánchez
  2434.                        Jorge Sánchez
  2435.                        Sonia Sanchez
  2436.                         Carl Sandburg
  2437.                       Håckan Sandell
  2438.                         Mark Sanders
  2439.                      Stephen Sandy
  2440.                       George Santayana

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2441.                       Sherod Santos
  2442.                              Sappho
  2443.                        Robyn Sarah
  2444.                       Darren Sardelli
  2445.                         Aram Saroyan
  2446.                          May Sarton
  2447.                      Joachim Sartorius
  2448.                    Catherine Sasanov
  2449.                    Siegfried Sassoon
  2450.                          Eva Saulitis
  2451.                       Cheryl Savageau
  2452.                           M. Savich
  2453.                        Terry Savoie
  2454.                       Leslie Scalapino
  2455.                       Vernon Scannell
  2456.                     Jennifer Scappettone
  2457.                       George Scarbrough
  2458.                       Maxine Scates
  2459.                         Luci Shaw
  2460.                          Roy Scheele

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2461.                           A. Scherbakov
  2462.                          Ava Schicke
  2463.                        Robyn Schiff
  2464.                    Friedrich Schiller
  2465.                          Rob Schlegel
  2466.                        David Schloss
  2467.                         Gary Schmidgall
  2468.                      Michael Schmidt
  2469.                      Barbara Schmitz
  2470.                     Gjertrud Schnackenberg
  2471.                     Patricia Schneider
  2472.                       Steven Schneider
  2473.                        Jason Schneiderman
  2474.                       Steven Schnur
  2475.                      Zachary Schomburg
  2476.                      Danniel Schoonebeek
  2477.             Penelope Scambly Schott
  2478.                        Grace Schulman
  2479.                      Jeffrey Schultz
  2480.                       Philip Schultz

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2481.                     Susan M. Schultz
  2482.                        James Schuyler
  2483.                      Delmore Schwartz
  2484.                        Lloyd Schwartz
  2485.                 Lynne Sharon Schwartz
  2486.                      Ruth L. Schwartz
  2487.              Duncan Campbell Scott
  2488.                   Peter Dale Scott
  2489.                   Sir Walter Scott
  2490.                 William Bell Scott
  2491.                        James Scully
  2492.                      Maureen Seaton
  2493.                      Allison Seay
  2494.                  Sir Charles Sedley
  2495.                         Alan Seeger
  2496.                      Giorgos Seferis
  2497.                          Tim Seibles
  2498.                    Frederick Seidel
  2499.                     Henry M. Seiden
  2500.                         Hugh Seidman

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2501.                         Greg Sellers
  2502.                        Alexa Selph
  2503.                       Sudeep Sen
  2504.                Léopold Sédar Senghor
  2505.                    Robert W. Service
  2506.                        Vijay Seshadri
  2507.                        Diane Seuss
  2508.                          Dr. Seuss
  2509.                         Anna Seward
  2510.                         Anne Sexton
  2511.                        Patty Seyburn
  2512.                       Aharon Shabtai
  2513.                       Thomas Shadwell
  2514.                      William Shakespeare complete works; sonnets at beginning
  2515.                         Ravi Shankar
  2516.                  Christopher Shannon
  2517.                           Jo Shapcott
  2518.                      Natalie Shapero
  2519.                      Alan R. Shapiro
  2520.                        David Shapiro

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2521.                         Karl Shapiro
  2522.                       Solmaz Sharif
  2523.                      Michael Sharkey
  2524.                     Prageeta Sharma
  2525.                       Brenda Shaughnessy
  2526.                       Angela Shaw
  2527.                    Robert B. Shaw
  2528.                      Patrick Shaw-Stewart
  2529.                        Faith Shearin
  2530.                        Julie Shearin
  2531.                        Derek Sheffield
  2532.                        Vadim Shefner
  2533.          Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
  2534.                 Percy Bysshe Shelley
  2535.                      Matthew Shenoda
  2536.                      William Shenstone
  2537.                     Reginald Shepherd
  2538.             Richard Brinsley Sheridan
  2539.                       Rachel Sherwood
  2540.                        Izumi Shikibu

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2541.                      Brandon Shimoda
  2542.                        Jason Shinder
  2543.                       Carrie Shipers
  2544.                        Julia Shipley
  2545.                        James Shirley
  2546.                         Evie Shockley
  2547.                        Peggy Shumaker
  2548.                        Aaron Shurin
  2549.                        Elena Shvartz
  2550.                        Joyce Sidman
  2551.                   Sir Philip Sidney
  2552.                          Eli Siegel
  2553.                        Cedar Sigo
  2554.                Lydia Huntley Sigourney
  2555.                      Angelos Sikelianos
  2556.                      Richard Siken
  2557.                       Martha Silano
  2558.                          Ron Silliman
  2559.                         Anya Silver
  2560.                         Shel Silverstein

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2561.                      Charles Simic
  2562.                      Kathryn Simmonds
  2563.                       Maurya Simon
  2564.                         Paul Simon (click on each letter)
  2565.                       Sandra Simonds
  2566.              Joshua McCarter Simpson
  2567.                        Louis Simpson
  2568.                        Nancy Simpson
  2569.                          May Sinclair
  2570.                       Safiya Sinclair
  2571.                      Marilyn Singer
  2572.                         L.E. Sissman
  2573.                   Dame Edith Sitwell
  2574.                         John Skelton
  2575.                         Myra Sklarew
  2576.                        Floyd Skloot
  2577.                    Elizabeth Skurnick
  2578.                         John Slater
  2579.                       Judith Slater
  2580.                          Tom Sleigh

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2581.                      Kenneth Slessor
  2582.                      Deborah Slicer
  2583.                       Edward Slow
  2584.                  Christopher Smart
  2585.                     Yaroslav Smelyakov
  2586.                           L. Smirnov
  2587.                    Alexander Smith
  2588.                       Austin Smith
  2589.                        Bruce Smith
  2590.                      Charlie Smith
  2591.             Charlotte Turner Smith
  2592.                 Clark Ashton Smith
  2593.                        Danez Smith
  2594.                         Dave Smith
  2595.                   Marc Kelly Smith
  2596.                     Patricia Smith (born 1955)
  2597.                        Patti Smith (born 1946)
  2598.                         R.T. Smith
  2599.                          Rad Smith
  2600.                          Rod Smith

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2601.                       Stevie Smith
  2602.                    Thomas R. Smith
  2603.                     Tracy K. Smith
  2604.                       Vivian Smith
  2605.                  William Jay Smith
  2606.                        Young Smith
  2607.                         Mark Smith-Soto
  2608.                         M.M. Smoker
  2609.                       Tobias Smollett
  2610.                        Bruce Snider
  2611.                          Ann Snodgrass
  2612.                         W.D. Snodgrass
  2613.                         Gary Snyder
  2614.                         Rick Snyder
  2615.                        Megan Snyder-Camp
  2616.                        Annah Sobelman
  2617.                        Edith Södergran
  2618.                       Sergey Sokolov
  2619.                        Karen Solie
  2620.                        Fedor Sologub

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2621.             Susan B. Anthony Somers-Willett
  2622.                      William Somervile
  2623.                        Piotr Sommer
  2624.                        Cathy Song
  2625.                        Kerri Sonnenberg
  2626.                        Göran Sonnevi
  2627.                Barbara Ellen Sorensen
  2628.                        Marin Sorescu
  2629.             Charles Hamilton Sorley
  2630.                      Roberto Sosa
  2631.                         Gary Soto
  2632.                      William Soutar
  2633.                       Robert Southey
  2634.                       Robert Southwell SJ
  2635.                      Michael Sowder
  2636.                         Wole Soyinka
  2637.                    Lisa Russ Spaar
  2638.                        Peter Spagnuolo
  2639.                      Juliana Spahr
  2640.                         John Spaulding

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2641.                       Joseph Spece
  2642.                         A.B. Spellman
  2643.                         Anne Spencer
  2644.                      Stephen Spender
  2645.                       Edmund Spenser
  2646.                      Gabriel Spera
  2647.                         Jack Spicer
  2648.                       Lianne Spidel
  2649.                    Elizabeth Spires
  2650.                         Jane Springer
  2651.                   Sheryl St. Germain
  2652.                    David St. John
  2653.                   Primus St. John
  2654.                      William Stafford
  2655.                         A.E. Stallings
  2656.                      Gaspara Stampa
  2657.                          Ann Stanford
  2658.                        Frank Stanford
  2659.                       Julian Stannard
  2660.                        Joseh Stanton

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2661.                    Catherine Staples
  2662.                       George Starbuck
  2663.                      Kathryn Starbuck
  2664.                        Ethan Stebbins
  2665.                        Frank Steele
  2666.                      Timothy Steele
  2667.                        Sasha Steensen
  2668.                      Michael Steffen
  2669.                        Heidy Steidlmayer
  2670.                     Gertrude Stein
  2671.                        Leigh Stein
  2672.                      Stephen Stepanchev
  2673.                     Francine Sterle
  2674.                       Gerald Stern
  2675.                      Ricardo Sternberg
  2676.                 James Thomas Stevens
  2677.                      Wallace Stevens
  2678.                         Anne Stevenson
  2679.                 Robert Louis Stevenson
  2680.                    Christine Stewart

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2681.                         Jack Stewart
  2682.                        Susan Stewart
  2683.                    Christine Stuart-Nuñez
  2684.                     Trumbell Stickney
  2685.                       Alison Stine
  2686.       Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard
  2687.                           V. Stolbov
  2688.                       Bianca Stone
  2689.                         Nomi Stone
  2690.                         Ruth Stone
  2691.                       Adrien Stoutenburg
  2692.                         Zack Strait
  2693.                         John Straley
  2694.                         Mark Strand
  2695.                        Liane Strauss
  2696.                         Seán Street
  2697.                           N. Strijkov
  2698.                       Joseph Stroud
  2699.                          Ann Struthers
  2700.                          Dan Stryk

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2701.                       Dabney Stuart
  2702.                     Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy
  2703.                      Stephen Sturgeon
  2704.                     Adrienne Su
  2705.                     Sir John Suckling
  2706.                        Julie Suk
  2707.                        Oljas Suleimenov
  2708.                        David Sullivan
  2709.                        Jules Supervielle
  2710.                         John Surowiecki
  2711.                        Joyce Sutphen
  2712.                       Barton Sutter
  2713.                      Abraham Sutzkever
  2714.                       Terese Svoboda
  2715.                        Brian Swann
  2716.                         Bill Sweeney
  2717.                      Matthew Sweeney
  2718.                         Cole Swensen
  2719.                          May Swenson
  2720.                     Jonathan Swift

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2721.                         Todd Swift
  2722.             Algernon Charles Swinburne
  2723.                         Anna Swir
  2724.                        Wally Swist
  2725.                       Josuah Sylvester (or is it Joshua?)
  2726.                       Arthur Symons
  2727.              John Millington Synge
  2728.                       Arthur Sze
  2729.                       George Szirtes
  2730.                      Larissa Szporluk
  2731.                         Mary Szybist
  2732.                        Stacy Szymaszek
  2733.                      Wislawa Szymborska
  2734.                    Eileen R. Tabios
  2735.                       Carmen Tafolla
  2736.                      Richard Tagett
  2737.                         John Taggart
  2738.                 Rabindranath Tagore
  2739.                        Shuzo Takiguchi
  2740.                         John Talbot

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2741.                     Jennifer Tamayo
  2742.                        Margo Tamez
  2743.                     Dorothea Tanning
  2744.                         Mark Tardi
  2745.                       Arseny Tarkovsky
  2746.                    Nathaniel Tarn
  2747.                        Paula Tatarunis
  2748.                        Allen Tate
  2749.                        James Tate
  2750.                          Ann Taylor
  2751.                       Bayard Taylor
  2752.                  Bert Leston Taylor
  2753.                       Edward Taylor
  2754.                 Eleanor Ross Taylor
  2755.                     Henry S. Taylor
  2756.                         Jane Taylor
  2757.                         John Taylor
  2758.                         Tess Taylor
  2759.                     Michelle Tea
  2760.                    Alexandra Teague

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2761.                        Brian Teare
  2762.                         Sara Teasdale
  2763.                        Barry Tebb
  2764.                      Roberto Tejada
  2765.                        Vahan Tekeyan
  2766.                           N. Tenigina
  2767.                 Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  2768.                       Victor Terán
  2769.                       Philip Terman
  2770.                        Maria Terrone
  2771.                         Lucy Terry (aka Lucy Terry Prince)
  2772.                      Gerhard Tersteegen
  2773.            William Makepeace Thackeray
  2774.                        Bryan Thao Worra
  2775.                        Celia Thaxter
  2776.                        Casey Thayer
  2777.                       Ernest Thayer
  2778.                        Lucie Thésée
  2779.                        Diane Thiel
  2780.                  Amber Flora Thomas

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2781.                       Calvin Thomas
  2782.                        Dylan Thomas
  2783.                       Edward Thomas
  2784.                      Lorenzo Thomas
  2785.                         R.S. Thomas
  2786.                       Robert Thomas
  2787.                        Truth Thomas
  2788.                          Don Thompson
  2789.                      Francis Thompson
  2790.                         Kush Thompson
  2791.                    Sue Ellen Thompson
  2792.                        James Thomson (1700-1748)
  2793.                        James Thomson (1834-1882)
  2794.                  Henry David Thoreau
  2795.                        Marie Thurmer
  2796.                       Bonnie Thurston
  2797.                      Anthony Thwaite
  2798.                              Tibullus
  2799.                     Chidiock Tichborne
  2800.                       Thomas Tickell

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2801.                       Daniel Tiffany
  2802.                         Mary Tighe
  2803.                      Richard Tillinghast
  2804.                        Henry Timrod
  2805.                      Allison Titus
  2806.                           I. Tkhorjevsky
  2807.                       Daniel Tobin
  2808.                      Timothy Tocher
  2809.                       J.R.R. Tolkien
  2810.                    Melvin B. Tolson
  2811.                Count Aleksey Tolstoy
  2812.                      Charles Tomlinson
  2813.                     Jennifer Tonge
  2814.                     Rosemary Tonks
  2815.          Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna
  2816.                         Jean Toomer
  2817.                       Angela Topping
  2818.                       Sotère Torregian
  2819.                        Edwin Torres
  2820.                       Rodney Torreson

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2821.                      Rodrigo Toscano
  2822.                        Kinga Tóth
  2823.               Charles Hanson Towne
  2824.                        Wyatt Townley
  2825.                         D.H. Tracy
  2826.                      Kristen Tracy
  2827.                       Thomas Traherne
  2828.                        Tomas Tranströmer
  2829.                         John Tranter
  2830.                         Mark Tredinnick
  2831.                        Lucia Trent
  2832.                      Natasha Trethewey
  2833.                       Claire Trévien
  2834.                          Ben Trigg
  2835.                        David Trinidad
  2836.                       Pimone Triplett
  2837.            Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
  2838.                       Quincy Troupe
  2839.                      William Trowbridge
  2840.                       Marina Tsvetaeva

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2841.                        David Tucker
  2842.            Frederick Goddard Tuckerman
  2843.                    Catherine Tufariello
  2844.                           Su Tung-Po
  2845.                         Mark Turcotte
  2846.                         Hone Tuwhare
  2847.                         Mark Twain
  2848.                       Neisha Tweed
  2849.                         Nick Twemlow
  2850.                        Chase Twichell
  2851.                    Katharine Tynan
  2852.                        Fedor Tyutchev
  2853.                       Chuang Tzu
  2854.                         Leah Umansky
  2855.                           Ko Un
  2856.                         John Unterecker
  2857.                        Louis Untermeyer
  2858.                         John Updike
  2859.                        Allen Upward
  2860.                    Constance Urdang

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2861.                       Kirmen Uribe
  2862.                              Uvavnuk
  2863.                          Amy Uyematsu
  2864.                     Patrizia Valduga
  2865.                         Jean Valentine
  2866.                        César Vallejo
  2867.          Frances Jane Crosby Van Alstyne
  2868.                         Mona Van Duyn
  2869.                      Schyler Van Rensselaer
  2870.                        Nance Van Winckel
  2871.                       Robert VanderMolen
  2872.                      Mai Der Vang
  2873.                       Preeti Vangani
  2874.                           N. Vanhanen
  2875.                   Konstantin Vanshenkin
  2876.                         Jane Varley
  2877.                           V. Vasilyev
  2878.                         Nico Vassilakis
  2879.                        Henry Vaughan
  2880.                 Thomas, Lord Vaux

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2881.                  Ramón López Velarde
  2882.                        Tomas Venclova
  2883.                         Paul Verlaine
  2884.                       Miriam Vermilya
  2885.                        Jones Very
  2886.                      Cecilia Vicuña
  2887.                        Wendy Videlock
  2888.                         Tino Villanueva
  2889.                     François Villon
  2890.                         Adam Vines
  2891.                       Evgeny Vinokurov
  2892.                         Mark Vinz
  2893.                         Paul Violi
  2894.                              Virgil
  2895.                       Gerald Vizenor
  2896.                       Arthur Vogelsang
  2897.                          Ben Vogt
  2898.                 Ellen Bryant Voigt
  2899.                       Connie Voisine
  2900.                        Karen Volkman

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2901.                         Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven
  2902.              Elizabeth Klise von Zerneck
  2903.                     Sharmila Voorakkara
  2904.                        Ocean Vuong
  2905.                    Catherine Wagner
  2906.                       Jeanne Wagner
  2907.                        Shari Wagner
  2908.                        David Wagoner
  2909.                         Fred Wah
  2910.                        Buddy Wakefield
  2911.                        Diane Wakoski
  2912.                        Derek Walcott
  2913.                 Alfred Islay Walden
  2914.                      William Walden
  2915.                         Anne Waldman
  2916.                          Liz Waldner
  2917.                        Keith Waldrop
  2918.                     Rosmarie Waldrop
  2919.                        Alice Walker
  2920.                Jeanne Murray Walker

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2921.                     Margaret Walker
  2922.                          Rob Walker
  2923.                        Chris Wallace-Crabbe
  2924.                       Ronald Wallace
  2925.                       Edmund Waller
  2926.                       Martin Walls
  2927.                       Marnie Walsh
  2928.                        Marty Walsh
  2929.                      Michael Walsh
  2930.                       Connie Wanek
  2931.                         B.J. Ward
  2932.                         Dana Ward
  2933.                Catherine Ana Warfield
  2934.                        Emily Warn
  2935.                         Alli Warren
  2936.                      Deborah Warren
  2937.                         Noah Warren
  2938.                  Robert Penn Warren
  2939.                      Rosanna Warren
  2940.                        Lewis Warsh

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2941.                       Thomas Warton Jr.
  2942.                         Rory Waterman
  2943.                      Michael Waters
  2944.             Alaric Alexander Watts
  2945.                        Isaac Watts
  2946.                April Halprin Wayland
  2947.                 Afaa Michael Weaver
  2948.               Charles Harper Webb
  2949.                         John Webster
  2950.               Rachel Jamison Webster
  2951.                        Bruce Weigl
  2952.                       Hannah Weiner
  2953.                       Joshua Weiner
  2954.                        Stefi Weisburd
  2955.                      Jillian Weise
  2956.                     Theodore Weiss
  2957.                          Don Welch
  2958.                          Lew Welch
  2959.                     Marjorie Welish
  2960.                      Carolyn Wells

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2961.                          Tim Wells
  2962.                      Gabriel Welsh
  2963.                      Charles Wesley
  2964.              Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
  2965.                Arthur Graeme West
  2966.                       Robert West
  2967.                     Ethylwyn Wetherald
  2968.                      Valerie Wetlaufer
  2969.                       Rachel Wetzsteon
  2970.                     Karen J. Weyant
  2971.                       Philip Whalen
  2972.                        Edith Wharton
  2973.                        David Wheatley
  2974.                      Phillis Wheatley
  2975.                      Jackson Wheeler
  2976.                       Lesley Wheeler
  2977.                        Susan Wheeler
  2978.                         John Wheelwright
  2979.                     Maceo J. Whitaker
  2980.                         J.P. White

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  2981.                         Mike White
  2982.                      Orlando White
  2983.                       Philip White
  2984.                      William Whitehead
  2985.                 James Monroe Whitfield
  2986.                         Jane Whitledge
  2987.                Albery Allson Whitman
  2988.                         Walt Whitman
  2989.         Adeline Dutton Train Whitney
  2990.                     Isabella Whitney
  2991.               John Greenleaf Whittier
  2992.                       Marcus Wicker
  2993.                         Anna Wickham
  2994.                          Les Wicks
  2995.                     Margaret Widdemer
  2996.                         John Wieners
  2997.                         Dara Wier
  2998.                        Debra Wierenga
  2999.                 Anne Pierson Wiese
  3000.                      Richard Wilbur

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  3001.                 Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  3002.                         Josh Wild
  3003.                        Oscar Wilde
  3004.                          Rex Wilder
  3005.                         Caki Wilkinson
  3006.                         John Wilkinson
  3007.                        Nancy Willard
  3008.                          Sam Willetts
  3009.                         C.K. Williams
  3010.                  Helen Maria Williams
  3011.                         Hugo Williams
  3012.                     Jonathan Williams
  3013.                       Leslie Williams
  3014.                         Lisa Williams
  3015.               Marie Sheppard Williams
  3016.                       Miller Williams
  3017.                       Norman Williams
  3018.                    Philip B. Williams
  3019.                         Rynn Williams
  3020.                    Tennessee Williams

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  3021.                       Tyrone Williams
  3022.                        Waldo Williams
  3023.               William Carlos Williams
  3024.                     Frank S. Williamson
  3025.                         Greg Williamson
  3026.                    Elizabeth Willis
  3027.                 Mary-Sherman Willis
  3028.                         John Wilmot
  3029.                      Eleanor Wilner
  3030.                    Alexander Wilson
  3031.                        Emily Wilson
  3032.                        Leila Wilson
  3033.                   Ronaldo V. Wilson
  3034.                        Steve Wilson
  3035.                    Christian Wiman
  3036.                      Terence Winch
  3037.                    Catherine Wing
  3038.                       Robert Winner
  3039.                         Anne Winters
  3040.                         Yvor Winters

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  3041.                         Dale Wisely
  3042.                      Yolanda Wisher
  3043.                       George Wither
  3044.                       Warren Woessner
  3045.                        David Wojahn
  3046.                        Allan Wolf
  3047.                      Michele Wolf
  3048.                      Charles Wolfe
  3049.                        Kathi Wolf
  3050.                      Cecilia Woloch
  3051.                       Sholeh Wolpé
  3052.                        Terry Wolverton
  3053.                       Jamila Woods
  3054.                   Jacqueline Woodson
  3055.                    Elizabeth Woody
  3056.                     Sarah C. Woolsey
  3057.                      Dorothy Wordsworth
  3058.                      William Wordsworth
  3059.                         Jeff Worley
  3060.                     Theodore Worozbyt

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  3061.                    Sir Henry Wotton
  3062.                         C.D. Wright
  3063.                      Charles Wright
  3064.                        Franz Wright
  3065.                         Jack Wright
  3066.                        James Wright
  3067.                          Jay Wright
  3068.                       Judith Wright
  3069.                        Kirby Wright
  3070.                       Robert Wrigley
  3071.                         Gail Wronsky
  3072.                         Mary Wroth
  3073.                         Mark Wunderlich
  3074.                   Sir Thomas Wyatt
  3075.                       Elinor Wylie
  3076.                      Emanuel Xavier
  3077.                          Liu Xia
  3078.                         Lynn Xu
  3079.                        Wendy Xu
  3080.                         John Yau

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  3081.                          Ann Yearsley
  3082.               William Butler Yeats
  3083.                       Kendra Yee
  3084.                      Stephen Yenser
  3085.                         Avot Yeshurun
  3086.                      Yevgeny Yevtushenko
  3087.                        David Yezzi
  3088.                         Jane Yolen
  3089.                    Jake Adam York
  3090.                       Monica Youn
  3091.                           Al Young
  3092.                      C. Dale Young
  3093.                         Dean Young
  3094.                       Edward Young
  3095.                         Gary Young
  3096.                        Kevin Young
  3097.                         Mark Young
  3098.                    Stephanie Young
  3099.                 Ray A. Young Bear
  3100.                        Saadi Youssef

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top

  3101.                         Hsia Yü
  3102.                      Timothy Yu
  3103.                        Natan Zach
  3104.                         Adam Zagajewski
  3105.                       Javier Zamora
  3106.                   Jeff Vande Zande
  3107.                       Israel Zangwill
  3108.                      Matthew Zapruder
  3109.                      Cynthia Zarin
  3110.                       Andrew Zawacki
  3111.                      Ofelisa Zepeda
  3112.                     Benjamin Zephaniah
  3113.                      Tatiana Ziglar
  3114.                         Paul Zimmer
  3115.                       Yvonne Zipter
  3116.                       Rachel Zucker
  3117.                         Raúl Zurita
  3118.                         Vera Zvyagintsev
  3119.                       Martha Zweig
  3120.                          Fay Zwicky

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my own humble contribution

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You really, really don't want to read this.

Edward George Bulwer-Lytton Meets Snoopy
by William J. Evans

Dark and stormy night.
Suddenly a shot rang out.
This is a haiku.

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