A letter to the editor of the Mariposa Gazette, 2021-Sep-16: The Catholic Church has always taught that scripture is to be taken literally to avoid defusing human opinions and ra- tionalizations since from the beginning of all things written have come to pass, or will pass by divine design, like what is happening today but written 2,000 years ago by St. John in the last book of the bible (Revelations 13:15-18), which states: (16) "The Beast will cause all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, to have a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, (17) And IT will bring about that no one may be able to buy or sell, except him who has the mark, either the name of the Beast or the number of It's name, which is 666." (15) "And-IT was permitted to give life to the Beast (from the Dragon 13:4) that the image of the Beast should both speak (through all governments, etc.) and cause whoev- er should not worship the image of the Beast should be killed." St. John's futuristic prophesy about the coming of the Beast and IT's plan, is being implemented today as prophe- sied, which is to have every member on the planet vaccinated with a numbered card to prove it, which is demonically being mandated by every country, gov- ernment, business, hospital, college and school, or be punished; in direct viola- tion of many laws set in place to protect the rights of citizens. However, there are between 30 to 60 percent of the population in different professions or walks of life who are re- fusing to take the vaccine in view of the thousands of silenced non-published negative side effects and death. As it has been happening on every po- litical and social level by design, the in- nocent in this case have been painted as the guilty party who have been made the enemy according to the Beast's press's. Thus, the non-vaccinated/non-masked have become enemy number one, who are being accused of spreading the Covid-19 virus. But wait! The creators of this crisis do have a solution; 20-30 years ago they created massive USA FEMA camps which are ready to hold hundreds of thousands of these non-vax people who will, according to St. John's prophesied scripture, "should be killed;" probably to halt the spread of the every-changing smokescreen virus as the solution. Beyond losing his head, this will be the true test of a Triune Christian faith who have refused the vaccine, who is looking to heaven as his true home when an- ti-gravity takes his soul up to a cloud. While those non-Christians who have been vaccinated with Graphene Oxide which changes the molecular struc- ture of one's DNA/RNA through spike proteins (whose names have not been written in the book of Life (13:8), will become magnetized Graphic Oxide Na- nobots, whose injected bodies will be 5-G orchestrated by millions of new 5-G satellites, cell towers and phones. When these living dead Nanobots previous called, "wasted human flesh," serve their Messiah's purposes, who is the Beast, they will be incinerated with their souls being immediately jettisoned by gravity down to the center of the Earth with Lucifer to join the millions of demons who have rejected God, their creator (as was also prophesied). Max DeBoer Mariposa